'Atheism' continued

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I have decided to create a new thread because the other one was becoming quite full and I feared my response would be lost. I did reply yesturday, but my computer crashed just before Icould submit! I was quite annoyed and so I didn’t re-type it.

First I would like to ask why you all presumed that I was a male? I am indeed a female, thank you very much!!

There were many replies, and I am just about to read them all, speak to you soon.
I have decided to create a new thread because the other one was becoming quite full and I feared my response would be lost. I did reply yesturday, but my computer crashed just before Icould submit! I was quite annoyed and so I didn’t re-type it.
I wonder, does relying on Microsoft products count as FAITH? 😃 </irony mode>
First I would like to ask why you all presumed that I was a male? I am indeed a female, thank you very much!!
since i can’t easily check from here, it’s just assumed male. ps: i dont believe you, post a picture 😃
I have decided to create a new thread because the other one was becoming quite full and I feared my response would be lost. I did reply yesturday, but my computer crashed just before Icould submit! I was quite annoyed and so I didn’t re-type it.

First I would like to ask why you all presumed that I was a male? I am indeed a female, thank you very much!!

There were many replies, and I am just about to read them all, speak to you soon.
Why do you assume that everybody assumed you were male? (I’m not male either. I’ve often had people assume I’m male on forums. It happens a lot, especially if discussions revolve around philosophy.)

Forgive the presumption, but, in my defense, my first post was not gender specific. Monarchy was the first to say “he” and it took off from there.

squirt- I didn’t assume people thought I was a male, I know they did because they were refering to me as him or he. Anyway, I’m not mad, I just thought it was interesting!
JimO- At first I was a tad offended that you ‘minimized my life experience’ because I am 18 years old. Then I thought about it and you are correct, I have not read much about theology, but wish to do so. If there is any book or text that you could especially recommend I would be very grateful. Yet, I must warn you that further readings on religion will almost definately strengthen my atheist beliefs, and not persuade me of the existence of God.

GordonBOPS- I do not see how evolution is so ridiculous, but you accept as if it were fact that Jesus Christ was crucified, and then came back to life a few days later. Also that he could feed the 5,000 with a fish and a loaf of bread?! I do not see your logic. You are accepting some ‘far-fetched’ ideas, and are dismissing others. I myself am not completely sure of my opinions on evolution. I am sure that it happened and is why we are who we are today, but I am uncertain of the details. When my exams are over I am planning to do further reading on this subject, as well as theology.

To everyone who has promised to pray for me, please don’t waste your time! But thanks for the gesture. To people who have told me to keep searching- I have found what I am looking for- the truth. We just have different ideas of what the truth is! I would like to state that I am not lost, and that the world makes more sense to me now, than it did when I believed in God.

Awaiting your replies x
squirt- I didn’t assume people thought I was a male, I know they did because they were refering to me as him or he. Anyway, I’m not mad, I just thought it was interesting!
Maybe not. You stated that all presumed you were male, even though only some people on the thread used male pronouns. I just believed what you wrote. 😛

It doesn’t make me mad when it happens to me, either.

Once again, no condescension or offense intended. It’s tough to get a point across, be concise, and not sound smug.

I don’t want to give you a knee jerk recommendation on reading material. Lord knows that there are huge volumes of internet links and bibliographies plastered all over the various threads intended to lasso an instant conversion.

I’m not trying to convert you. If God exists, then that’s between you and Him. If He doesn’t, then it’s between you and, well, you (your business, not mine, in other words).

If you are really interested in a recommendation for reading, I’d be happy to provide a reference once I give it some thought. I try to recommend only books that I have read. My initial response is to point you to C.S. Lewis. But, he has written so many good books that I’d like to look through my bookshelf to see which one might be the best to recommend. I’ll post it tomorrow.


In terms of reading … if you like philosophy, A History of Philosophy by Copleston is good. 9 volumes … covers lots of ground, lots of ways of looking at the world.

A nice book with selections from theists and non-theists is

Philosophy of Religion
Selected Readings
Second Edition
Edited by Michael Peterson, William Hasker, Bruce Reichenbach and David Basinger
from Oxford University Press.

I am just curious here…if I am being nosy, just say so.

You stated that you did believe in God at one time, but that now you do not.
What was it specifically that changed your mind??

I looked over my C.S. Lewis books and although “Mere Christianity” is common recommended as an introduction to Lewis’ approach, I would rather recommend “The Problem with Pain” which specifically addressed objections to Christianity that he held as a long-time atheist, particulary the objection, “How can you have an all-powerful and all-loving God and still have the suffering of the innocent.”


I hate reading assignments, but don’t mind giving them. If you are philosophically inclined, I’d recommend Frank Sheed’s Theology for Beginners. Or Mortimer Adler’s How to Think About God, and Ten Philosophical Mistakes.

Or for something entirely different, Therese Liseux’s autobiography, The Story of a Soul.

If all that reading gets you down, then it’s time to settle down with some Calvin and Hobbes.

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