I missed your edit,
Human instict is twords survival and not twords good and evil. You may want to consider the idea that this universe could not have created it’s self. Humanity would be lucky if it possesed even one percent of all knowledge in this universe.
This my friend, is approaching an entirely different issue which i will enter if you desire, are humans born evil and must be taught goodness, or vise versa. I would like to adress these other issues first if you will.
Atheist assume that they have all the answers Catholics profess to miracles, how do you explain the miraculous? An open mind beyond ego may help.
How completley wrong could you be! Atheists assume None of these things. It is absolutley absurd to tell me that atheists belive they have all the answers. We do not! We do not know for certain, but there is no evidence of god, just as there is no evidence of the pink invisible monkey sitting next to me. And from what we know, which i assure u is far less than 1% of all the knowledge, from what we know, assuming there is no existance of a higher power is the ONLY logical procession.
What difference does that make to an Atheist? What is the reason that it’s wrong to harm others? There are Godless people all over the world who do harm to others and sleep well at night. What is the basis of this moral in the teachings of Atheism?
There are catholics all over the world, who kill on friday, and confess on sunday, and do it all over again the next week. You cannot consider a person who has considered god, morality, and the such the same as one who has no sense of either.
Did you figure out right and wrong, or did you have it taught to you? Are you descended from a long line of Atheist’s? The United States is a primarily Christian country. It’s legal foundation ie constitution was written by a bunch of Christians. American values hinge on Church teachings. The more that changes the worse it gets here and everyone knows it.
OHHH How COMPLETLEY wrong you are on this one. The United States of America was NOT i must repeat this, was NOT founded by catholics, or christians. It was founded by Deists. For anyone out there who does not know, Deism is the belief that there is a god, a watchmaker to say, that created the world, set it in motion, and does not influence it thereafter. This is fact. The majority of our founding fathers were not catholic or Christian. But you are correct in your asseration that the U.S. is primarily a Christian country. Yet, this is only due to population numbers, and if you examine the world count, christianity falls short.
A Catholic/Christian has more self knowledge than the average person by far. God shows us his truth and the truth of ourselves. If you assume that being an Atheist is beyond religion in it’s superiority you are mistaken. Atheism is the un-religion that generaly allows people to custom tailor a lifestyle that easily justified without accountability. Is that strong or is it a cop out? All Atheist have that question looming in the backs of there minds. It’s like a distant call… what if there is a God?
Sounds a LOT like Pascals Wager to me. And let me explain this. I do not doubt u do not know, but for others, ill explain. Pascals Wager says: It is safe to believe in god, because if he does not exist, then nothing happens. But, if he does in fact exist, you are covered in your ‘wager’.
Do not use ‘what if there is a god’ as your argument, or i will use ‘what if there isn’t’ in mine. They are both absurd, you cannot explain the known with the unknown. It is a theological form of lunacy. Amazingly, this is what Christianity attempts to do. Or any organized religion for that matter.
I doubt i will hear a reply from you, and if i do i will be much surprised and amused.
You think a stubborn atheist like myself is not going to contend? Perhaps you think it is witty to use my own words while stating your own…?