An article in Sunday’s Boston Globe talks about philosopher and militant atheist Daniel Dennett’s new book on religion as a natural phenomenon. Dennett’s ideas about religion are well known from his previous books, most notably “Darwin’s Dangerous Idea” but this one tries to explain religion as strictly human behavior - in other words, inevitable behavior that occurs in alot of humans based on Darwinistic and social phenomenon. Dennett, along with his comrade in arms Richard Dawkins, are Darwinians in the strictest sense and believe that nothing outside material matter exists so it’s not surprising that he would try to defend his hostility towards the idea of God and religion. But, as the article points out, he defends it with such anger and venom which leads one to believe that his position is just as fundamentalist as the groups that he so passionately criticizes. A fair examination of his ideas leads one to believe that he’s almost desperate in his attempt to discredit religion and belief in God - they just don’t ring true and are pure speculation. For a better understanding of militant atheists and their influence on the culture of death, I would suggest you read “Architects of the culture of death” by Benjamin Wiker…their backgrounds are sad and empty.