St. Thomas Aquinas had his 5 proofs for the existence of God, and some modern apologists have come up with as many as 20!
For example, Aquinas said that things were created, by something which was created, etc., back and back and back until you hit the beginning. We maintain it couldn’t have gone back indefinitely, created by, created by…infinitely, that there was one point when there was something which was NOT created. We call that uncreated, Creator, “God”.
Further, to me, I look around and see the evidence of God, everywhere! Look at the human body with its trillions, trillions, and trillions of reactions and everything all coming together, perfectly. If just ONE fact wouldn’t come together, something as simple as temperature, no life, simple as that.
If the universe were, as some say, just coming together through a fortuitous series of completely random chances, accidents, and mutations, one would expect it to be extraordinarily chaotic, and it’s not, at all.
For example…we have plants that produce oxygen and utilize carbon dioxide. Coincidentally, we have us that breathe in oxygen, produce carbon dioxide. There seems to be an overriding intelligence at work that things work together, harmoniously, in the extreme.
We have our planet spinning, rotating and revolving at the same time, tilting for the seasons, but none of this interferes with life. We have gravity. The stars, moon, planets, and all work together in harmony.
The ecosystems, again, work together in harmony, for the most part. Sometimes when there is a bit of chaos, it’s usually when we, humans, are throwing a monkey wrench into things.
The human body has its nervous, digestive, circulatory, endocrine, musculoskeletal, reproductive, excretory, and respiratory systems.
We have entire libraries on each! We have things from the most microscopic levels to the most macroscopic.
We just happen to have an atmosphere, that looks, and acts like a shield from space and harmful things, also just coincidentally protects us from everything from harmful rays and other things.
Now, a movie you might find helpful is “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed”.
The analogy has been put of a bunch of monkeys typing at computers and the probability of their coming up with the complete works of William Shakespeare. The odds of that happening would be trillions to one!
If we saw a computer here, we’d know someone had to have created it, that it couldn’t possibly have created itself! Yet, we have something infinitely more complex and still think it came about, by accident! It defies all logic and probability. It’s so improbable, that it’d be impossible!