Atheist friend on death's door

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Please pray for my friend. I’ve known her for about seven years. She’s about 33 years old, and is a fairly pompous atheist. She sniffs at the idea of religion, and thinks God is a fairy tale. But, I’ve always suspected that her atheism was part of the pretentious intellectualism she always wears so proudly.

Despite that, I love her, and she’s always been there for me.

She had open-heart surgery a month ago, but was up and fine last weekend when I saw her. Tonight, however, I got the message from a mutual friend that she was back in the ER with something heart-related that’s worse than the previous affliction. Her husband is not taking it well. It doesn’t look good.

Please pray that her heart, so to speak, will be open to the idea of God at the very least. I fear that she might be about to discover the deadly consequences of certain ideas. I also hope, and suspect, that her atheism is more of an affectation. Please pray for her recovery, or for a change of heart and mind if things don’t go well…

Thank you.
Lord, please help Montana’s friend know you in her weakest hours. Be a comfort to her. Show her your kindness and mercy. Give her strength as only you can.

I ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Dear Jesus, if it’s God’s Holy Will, I pray that Montana’s friend will come out of the life threatening situation she is in. I also pray that you will heal her body and her soul. Dear Jesus, please reveal to her in a most powerful way God’s existence and give her the strength to accept this grace. Thank you, Jesus, for listening to all our prayers. - Amen.

I will remember her in my daily Rosary.

It sounds like she has personal issues with religion–probably because of some negative experience in her childhood or youth. I am reminded of C. S. Lewis who said that when he was an atheist he was angry with God for not existing. His atheism stemmed from the death of his dearly beloved mother.

I believe that most atheists are so because of emotional and psychological reasons rather than the “intellectual” arguments they employ. Madeline O’Hare, one of the most famous (infamous?) atheists wrote the cry of her heart in her diary: “Why doesn’t anyone love me?” I have no doubt she blamed God for the lack of love in her life.

If your friend would let you get beneath the surface of her non-belief, I’m sure you would find a lost and hurt child who is blaming God for some trauma or disappointment she can’t let go of.
Dearest Montanaman

I am very sorry to hear of your friends illness and admittance into hospital, I will remember her in my prayers. As for her stated unbelief, I will say only this to you, don’t worry!! God our Father and her Father knows her heart more intimately than you or even she can know it. Trust in God that He will do what is best for her, God doesn’t desire to lose a single one of His children and everyone is led by Him, to whatever stage of their faith they are in, even if this is a stage of professing unbelief. Faith as you know is a gift from God we must embrace, now for all her words, you don’t know your friend’s heart like the Father does. Trust in Him, pray for her health as you are, pray for her soul as we do for all those who are gravely ill and God willing she will recover.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you xxx
Thanks for the prayers, all.

Maybe I was premature, or maybe prayer works, but she’s back at home now. She’s on drugs, but she’s not out of the woods yet. I don’t know yet if her condition is treatable, but at least she’s not in critical care anymore.

I told her husband that legions of Catholics were praying for her. He laughed and said he’d even welcome prayers from Presbyterians at this point. (I suspect there are family issues there…) 😉

Anyway, with any luck she’s realizing she’s mortal now and that maybe it’s time to ask the big questions. At least she’s better…

Again, thank you for your prayers.
Though I have come to this thread late in the process, I loved reading all the beautiful prayers offered to your friend in hospital, Montanaman. I am pleased to hear she is getting better. Maybe all the prayers really worked! God bless!
Dearest Montanaman

I am so very pleased your friend is recovering enough to be at home, this is wonderful news and thank God our Merciful and loving Father for that.

I’ll keep her in my prayers and please let us know how she gets along in her recovery.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you always xx
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