I have an atheist friend, and he came up with some beliefs that I couldn’t take away from him. Maybe if I talk to him of the Truth, he will change his old ways…
He believes that there is no evil nor good, only beneficial and problematic. He says that it depends on each person, so something is always “neither” beneficial nor problematic; it depends on which side you’re looking at.
He also said to me that he “believes in science”.
Please help me, I want to give him the Truth. It would be amazing if one day he converted to a Catholic…
First - in order to share the Truth of the faith - you must be both sure and confident in it yourself. Then, as you move forward, recognize that patience and a willingness to admit you don’t have all the answers are crucial…
There is a very real need in these kinds of conversations to be willing to:
a) Meet them where they are - and
b) Know that you will only be able to plant some seeds that might later sprout.
He believes in Science? So do we…That gives you a certain common ground to work with. Science and faith are very different things and the one does not work against the other.
As to the matter of good and evil - I would suggest that you start from the position of Love - Agape - Brotherly love, love that seeks the good of another over one’s self etc.
All else is then measured against this Love.
Jesus Himself summarized all of the Law and Prophets in just two commandments…Both based in and on Agape. (Mt 22:36-40) He then gave us a "new commandment (John 13:34-35) - that we Agape one another.
St Paul places Agape as more important than either faith or hope (though the other two are definitely needed). (1 Cor 13:1-13)
St John tells us that God IS Agape (1 John 4:7-8)
Now having suggested these starting points…let’s talk about meeting him where he is.
If you fist establish that he sees an agape love as a good thing, then other things can be measured in relation to it.
Be willing to recognize and acknowledge that in these things there CAN BE gray areas. Jesus himself spoke against being too dogmatic in following rules - and He Himself would bend or break the “letter of the law” where agape clearly indicated a greater good.
Doing the above will give you common grounds and starting points for discussion and can lead to much fruit for both of you…
Hope this helps.