Athletes who point skyward

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We’ve all seen them. My own beloved Boston Red Sox are full of them. They hit a home run then as they step on home plate point skyward. For what? As a sign of reverence? To say to those in the stands, “I believe in God. Look what he allowed me to do.” I have no doubt that they do genuinely believe in God and I really wish they would display this faith more, (heck it would be good for all of us to do that right?). But this pointing skyward thing seems to strike me a bit as, to use the NIV translation, hypocritical. Does it strike anyone else that this was something of what Jesus was talking about when he told us to “…go into our rooms and shut the door and pray to your Father who is unseen”?

Maybe I’m being too harsh.
Im not sure they do it because they believe in God. Some of them do it for Lost loved ones. The real proof in the pudding is when they are interviewed. Do they give the Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ?. Yes, there are players that do exactly this.We know who they are. If you are ashamed of me I will be ashamed of you says the Lord. 😦
Maybe I’m being too harsh.
I believe that pointing is intended to say “let the glory be to Him, not me.” Now apologize.
I too wrestled with this question until I heard several interviews to realize these folks are truly God fearing individuals. The book “I Am Third” is a great personal story of a pro athletes life grounded on Faith and Humility. Furhermore I am pleasantly surprised by the amount of youth who have turned to God rather than the alternatives presented in the media.
in the case of the Red Sox it probably indicates the attitude of the long-suffering Job “You let the devil sock it to us, but we are vindicated, glory be to God”
Why do athletes point skyward?

Have you participated in H.S. athletic or beyond? Do you know how many years of hundreds of hours were sacrificed to hone the skills you see as a casual act ?

Athletes who compete on a high level ( yes, even in H.S.) are so zoned in, have hyper-concentration or psyched up that when the task or play is over and they did very well …it is a great relief to them. A great relief that sometimes causes them to show an act of emotional relief. Believe me, if you have been trining for years, and the moment comes to “do your thing” - and you do. Then there is great relief!!!

For 50 years I have seen Boxers who are Catholic Bless themselves just before a match. They are not only scared, they are asking God for help. When you see an athlete point to the sky, tell yourself,“THANK GOD - THERE GOES A CHRISTIAN WHO IS SAYING THAT GOD HELPED ME DO THAT!” It is a Victory Sign for God!
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