I am confused about Roman Catholic teaching about atonement which I believe is what is called lytrosis in Greek or Iskuplenije in Slavonic. What is its relationship to the Latin term satisfactio taught by Anselm Kenterbery. Satisfactio was condemned by Eastern Greek church at Council of Constantinople of 1157 as heresy of “latin thinking”. The heresy condemned seems to be idea that Christ offered sacrifice on Cross to Father alone. However, we pray in Divine Liturgy at the Great Entrance,- Ty (Christ) bo jesi prinosai i prinosimi, priemljai i razdavaemi - (You are the offerer and the offered, the one who receives and the who is distributed). Does Latin Church teach that Christ did not receive His sacrifice along with the Father and Holy Spirit?? What is relationship to satisfactio?? what is satisfactio?? Do Protestants believe in this??