**Attack on Religious Freedom Begins in Earnest in Canada - Battleground Homosexuality
***Paper: Clergy but Not Faithful Should be Allowed to Express Opposition to Homosexuality
*By John-Henry Westen
OTTAWA, October 6, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) - The gloves have come off, the Parliamentary debate in Canada has moved beyond homosexual ‘marriage’ and on to refusing freedoms for those with religious beliefs opposed to homosexuality and those with conscientious reasons for opposing it. The mere suggestion of a ‘Defence of Religions Act’, to be put forward should the attempt to restore traditional marriage fail, has created a firestorm in the overwhelmingly pro-gay media and in Parliament with the Liberals, NDP and Bloc arguing ferociously against such a proposal.
***Paper: Clergy but Not Faithful Should be Allowed to Express Opposition to Homosexuality
*By John-Henry Westen
OTTAWA, October 6, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) - The gloves have come off, the Parliamentary debate in Canada has moved beyond homosexual ‘marriage’ and on to refusing freedoms for those with religious beliefs opposed to homosexuality and those with conscientious reasons for opposing it. The mere suggestion of a ‘Defence of Religions Act’, to be put forward should the attempt to restore traditional marriage fail, has created a firestorm in the overwhelmingly pro-gay media and in Parliament with the Liberals, NDP and Bloc arguing ferociously against such a proposal.