Attending Daily Mass

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I just wanted to make a comment/ask a question. The first thing is that this week I’ve started going to daily mass. I’m a single mother of 3 boys and I take them with me. The weird thing is, there are only about 5 other people there total. And this is a big, big community parish. It is packed out including balcony on Sundays. I guess I’m just confused as to why more people don’t attend daily. Would people look down on me for bringing my kids early before they go to school? How come more people don’t do this? I just sort of feel like an odd-ball… :o

I do get alot out of doing this. I feel closer to Christ and that He is pleased. I also am quite sure that I’ve engaged the enemy because of circumstances and events that have been taking place in my life. But, God has also given me abundant grace to deal with these things.

What do other Catholics on this board have to say about attending daily mass as a family? Does anyone else do it? By the way, I’m a brand new convert.
In our home Parish, daily Mass is at 8 AM - by that time school is in session and most office workers are at work. So, many people simply cannot attend.

I work in a larger city, and we have daily Mass at noon. When my work schedule allows, there are families there - I assume they are homeschoolers.

It would be great to have a very early morning daily Mass - so everyone could attend!
I guess I’m just confused as to why more people don’t attend daily. Would people look down on me for bringing my kids early before they go to school? How come more people don’t do this? I just sort of feel like an odd-ball… :o
Our church has daily Mass at 8:30a.m. I assume many people are heading to or already at work or in school at that time.
(My DH would never be able to attend because he is out the door at 5:30a.m. for work.)

I think it’s WONDERFUL that you and your sons attend daily Mass. I’m sure no one thinks negatively that you bring your children before school. 🙂
I can understand why people would not attend if it were at 8:00am or later. I myself have to be at work by 8. The mass here is at 6:45 and lasts about 20-30 minutes. So we are able to actually be to school on time and I get to work a little early, which is nice. I just thought more people would want to attend. But, I shouldn’t base what I do on what other people do, right? However, it would be comforting to see other families. All I have seen attend are old men and one old couple, the deacon and his wife. Oh well. Like I said before, I know the devil is not liking this, so it must be a good thing! 😃
I attend daily Mass at my Church when i can. The hours vary, mon, tues, thurs, its at 7:00am , fri, sat, wed, its at 9:00am. Some days there are two Masses. Usually we have about 15 to 20 people in attendance, which is small considering the size of my parish and mothers bring their children with them and no one complains " i actually like it, when this happens". This summer my family and i went to Myrtle Beach for vacation. I attended daily Mass there at St. Michael’s. I was astonished at the amount of people , well over 150 every day. I told one of the parishioners how impressed i was, and she told me “you have’nt seen nothing yet, wait til the snow birds get back”. I was amazed. I am also a recent re-convert and enjoy the benifits of going to daily Mass, and also wonder why more people dont go, but then again, i dont have to hunt for a parking space either. 😃 lol God bless Mark
I attend daily Mass at 8 a.m. when I’m not due out of town, and if so, then the 6:30 a.m. at another parish. I take my daughter, now 7, to daily Mass when she’s off school and during the summer. I doubt anyone thought anything of it. We have around 25-30 daily attendees, and they’ve all come to know my daughter. They treat her like a little princess and she in turn is very friendly and cheeful to them. I think they enjoy seeing someone very young regularly in the church. My husband takes my daughter out a lot when he’s at the home improvement stores, bank, etc. Several times he’s remarked that someone’s come up to our daughter to talk with her. When asked who they were, she tells him “I know them from Church!”

I can understand why people would not attend if it were at 8:00am or later. I myself have to be at work by 8. The mass here is at 6:45 and lasts about 20-30 minutes. So we are able to actually be to school on time and I get to work a little early, which is nice.** I just thought more people would want to attend. **But, I shouldn’t base what I do on what other people do, right? However, it would be comforting to see other families. All I have seen attend are old men and one old couple, the deacon and his wife. Oh well. Like I said before, I know the devil is not liking this, so it must be a good thing! 😃
I’m sure people want to attend but simply can’t due to their job, etc. like several other people have already said. Our Cathedral offers a Mass everyday at noon for those who are on their lunch hour, its almost always packed as opposed to the early morning Masses I’ve attended where there are barely 10 people. Its simply about timing and what people can do and what they can’t.
I just wanted to make a comment/ask a question. The first thing is that this week I’ve started going to daily mass. I’m a single mother of 3 boys and I take them with me. The weird thing is, there are only about 5 other people there total.
How many true devotees stood under the Cross on Calvary? As far as I remember there was only 4. As it states in Jn19:25-27

***25 Now there stood by the cross of Jesus, his mother, and his mother’s sister, Mary of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalen. 26 When Jesus therefore had seen his mother and the disciple standing whom he loved, he saith to his mother: Woman, behold thy son. 27 After that, he saith to the disciple: Behold thy mother. And from that hour, the disciple took her to his own.

***Jesus had some special words for John and the women gathered there just as He has for you each and every time you attend the Holy Sacrifice.

If you love Him as you say you do then go irrespective of what anyone else thinks.
My wife and I attend daily and I still have (just enough) time to get to work. It is the most beautiful possible way to start each and every day. 🙂

God bless you,
I am blessed to live on the ME/NH border-my tri-parish community (3 parishes, 2 priests) has daily mass at 7:30 am, with daily attendence anywhere between 150-300 people. If I can’t make it, which I usually can’t,( I have 3 dogs who need to go for walks) I’ll go into NH (8 mi away), one church has 8 a.m mass, about 50 in attendance, and the other has a 7 am (too early) and then a 9 am in which 30 attend.

I stopped going to daily mass about 3 yrs ago, depression took over & robbed me of my spirituality & life was horrible. I started to go again about 2 weeks ago and I can’t tell you how happy I am. God is gooood. I am blessed that I am able to attend.

Claire B from ME
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