Attending mass at a Methodist church

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I am Catholic and my wife is Methodist.I go to mass every Sunday at the Catholic church. My question is can I attend mass with my wife at the Methodist church , if so how involved can I singing ect.?I understand I could not go to communion in the Methodist church.
Note-I would still be going to the Catholic mass. I would just be going to 2 masses on Sunday.
It is my understanding that Methodists do not have “masses” but “services.” When my husband was still Methodist, I went with him a few times (and almost ate the communion roll which was slipped to me afterwards by his sister–I didn’t recognize it until I was about to eat it, luckily!) and found nothing contrary to our Catholic faith by way of prayers and songs. They even recited the Apostle’s Creed. I have been told that as long as a Catholic does not receive the Methodist communion, it is alright for them to participate in the service as members of the congregation. However, it is also fine to be respectfully quiet if you do not feel comfortable with the prayers. I felt uncomfortable at first, looking out for anything “out of place” in their prayers, etc.

I think it is wonderful that you are interested in learning about your wife’s church. This will help you to understand her more. My question to you is: Is your wife open to attending Catholic Mass with you sometimes? This might be a good way to expose her to your faith, too 🙂

I’m sorry I don’t know more about this subject, but I’m sure someone else will be able to fill in the gaps I left!
Going to Sunday service at a Methodist church is not considered a mass. You cannot receive their communion which is basiclly bread and grape juice. Yes, you may sing the hymns. Some of the old time hymns are quite beautiful and are even sung at my Catholic church.
The confusion is that you would not be going to mass at the Methodist Church. Methodist do not offer the sacrifice of the Mass. In fact, they don’t believe in the mass at all. You are in a difficult situation. I will not advise you but will only recount what I did.

After serving as a United Methodist pastor for many years I became frustrated with the fact that we did not believe what Jesus taught about the Eucharist (the Mass) at all as Methodists. The trouble was, I did. I longed to teach my Church this glorious truth but it was never really accepted by the people. I knew that to remain a Methodist was to deny the Mass. Finally, I left and converted. My wife shortly followed my example.

The confusion is that you would not be going to mass at the Methodist Church. Methodist do not offer the sacrifice of the Mass. In fact, they don’t believe in the mass at all. You are in a difficult situation. I will not advise you but will only recount what I did.

After serving as a United Methodist pastor for many years I became frustrated with the fact that we did not believe what Jesus taught about the Eucharist (the Mass) at all as Methodists. The trouble was, I did. I longed to teach my Church this glorious truth but it was never really accepted by the people. I knew that to remain a Methodist was to deny the Mass. Finally, I left and converted. My wife shortly followed my example.

Wow! That certainly is a powerful example, as you essentially lost your job by converting! Did any members of your congregation follow you? Thank you for sharing your story 🙂
In order to meet your Sunday obligation you must attend either the Saturday evening Vigil Mass or one of the Masses offered on Sunday including any evening Mass which is not a vigil Mass for the next day but still Sunday Mass.

You might try attending Mass Saturday evening but if that doesn’t work for your family plans, then you will have to go to one of the Sunday Masses that surround your wife’s Methodist Sunday church service.

Or you and your family can attend both the Sunday Mass and the Methodist church service as long as you don’t receive communion in the Methodist church and your wife (and any other non-Catholic family members) doesn’t receive the Eucharist. In order for your non-Catholic family members to receive the Eucharist they would have to be Catholics in union with the Church and all it believes about the Eucharist because the Eucharist is the Church’s sign of unity and your family members are not in union with the Church.

And if your wife refuses to attend Mass with you, ask her why it’s fine for you but not for her. I have no doubt you’ll hear a lot of misinformation about the Catholic Mass that you will need to be prepared to answer. 😉
My wife attends mass with me now at my Catholic church.I have attended one"service "with her so far and have enjoyed it, but it gives me a greater appreciation for our Catholic mass. I dont see Jesus our there cross and I dont see Mary or Joseph in the church.Although I understand they have different beliefs and customs it seems they love God but show it in diffreent ways.
Thank you for your responses. It gives me renewed faith to see such wonderful people out there. May God Bless you all.:blessyou:
Wow! That certainly is a powerful example, as you essentially lost your job by converting! Did any members of your congregation follow you? Thank you for sharing your story 🙂
Several left but only one other family became Catholic. When we left we moved to where my wife found employment, 125 miles from my last United Methodist Church. I’ve pieced together several part time kinds of employment but not much money. Thankfully, we are empty nesters and were rather frugal throughout our lives. I now teach religion at a Junior College and Theology at the University of St. Francis both part time. We were able to purchase a few rental properties which I manage.

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