AttendingDiaconal Ordination tomorrow for first time!

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I am very excited and bringing the whole family. My kids have known “Brother” Phillip for a fwe years and now he (along with six other seminarians) will be ordained a deacon in the one holy catholic and apostolic Church tomorrow morning. Praise and thanks be to God!!!

I was just wondering if any here have attended ordinations of young men to the diaconate (I know some here were ordained as well). What did you think? Many of my fellow brother Knights of Columbus are going and Phillip himself is a brother in our council. I can’t wait for tomorrow morning. 👍
very exciting news, I hope you have a great time and enjoy the lovely service & sacrament, will be praying for them! 😃
Sounds exciting. I may have to attend our “homegrown” seminarian’s mass. He becomes a deacon this year.
The Ordination was phenomenal!!! I was so moved by it–the laying on of hands by the bishop, presenting the candidates with the Book of Gospels, the vesting for the first time with deacon stole and dalmatic–incredible. So very proud of my friend who is now no longer laity, but a servant within the clergy. The next day, he preached his first homily (after reading the gospel) on Divine Mercy Sunday–with my kids assisting (called at the last minute from the pew) as alter servers! What a lovely and meaningful weekend for all of us.
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