Hi everyone,
We have a youth group that has been running for two year, since WYD 08. We’re in a medium-sized Cathedral parish in the country with two Local Catholic High Schools and a University. At the moment we are having real problems attracting young people. We have a rotating program on Wednesdays with a Bible Study, Catechesis, Social night and Prayer night and even a mission statement, but getting the word out there is impossible. I’m on the Parish Council which has an over-representation of teachers, and when I approached them about our problem they showed an distinct apathy to it. Instead of helping us with funding they decided to fund a chaplain for themselves, with no connection to the parish. Thankfully our priests are very supportive, one even helps organise.
The last night we had we were down to 7 people, 2 were priests and two were organisers. I’m beginning to really worry that we aren’t attracting enough people to make it worthwhile. I have no idea where to start getting the information out there.
Any help would be much appreciated!
I’ve dealt with Terrorists, and with Church Politics. Frankly, I prefer the Terrorists - At least they’re honest about who they are. The one time I had an agreement with Terrorists, they kept it, while the time I had an agreement with a Bishop, he didn’t.
Have your Parish Priests talked to the Parish Council about the need for Youth Evangelization? Have they expressed their “regrets” about the Parish Council not funding the Youth Group while providing a “Chaplain” for themselves? You said these people are Teachers - Has anyone asked them why they won’t fund an outreach to the students they teach? or, Why they believe Catholic students don’t need to learn the Catholic Faith or to meet and pray with other Catholics their own age?
This may be one way to get a couple of the members invested. Have you thought of inviting one of these “Teachers” to lead the “Youth Group”? or, Asking if they have kids themselves and would like to be involved if they don’t want to lead the Group?? There are a lot of things one (or more) of these people could do - providing a house to meet in, preparing a Bible Study, leading music, bringing food, printing fliers…
I suspect you’re getting resistance because of “Hurt-Feelings” and “Not-Invented Here” Syndrome. The devil has used this combination to hobble/destroy more ministries than almost all causes combined - they’re both tied to good old human pride. You’re going to use vanity to counteract Satan’s appeal to human pride. and, You’re going to pray like heck:
Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
St. Patrick’s Breastplate Prayer
Grateful to the Dead - St. Patrick’s Breastplate
FYI, It won’t hurt to ask if one of them either knows how to play the guitar or knows someone who knows how to play the guitar. This will make it “Their project”…
No matter what -
- Announce the meetings at all Masses in all parishes,
- Print and distribute fliers to all Parishes, High Schools, Community Colleges;
- MySpace, Facebook,Twitter - A Facebook Page can do wonders
- Find someone who can play the guitar and some songbooks - Here’s a sampling. I admit they’re Protestant, but they’re ahead of us on this:
The Praise & Worship Fake Book:…
Best of Contemporary: Over 400 Songs…
Praise and Worship Songbook - Singer’s Edition …
John Michael Talbot Songbooks
Here’s another idea –
Check into something called Catholic Underground
Catholic Underground will come into a Parish or Diocese and Hold Monthly worship services (Includes Vespers done to music, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confession with concerts afterwards) for young people ages 15-30. I’ve seen as many as 300 young people in my local parish praising the Lord and adoring Him in the Blessed Sacrament (90+ received the Sacrament of Reconciliation - The Friars of the Renewal brought 6 priests, the Parish supplied 2 more & they were busy for 1-1/2 hours).
Calvary Chapel used to play music before their concerts - First recorded music, and then sing-a-long. Here is a sample of Christian Music young people listen to…
Project Damage Control - Mechanism
Project Damage Control - PDC
John Michael Talbot Discography
Resurrection Band
I admit that I know the Protestant Artists, but a reasonably ambitious search should produce a couple of Catholic artists… I hope this gets you started.
Your Brother & Servant in Christ, Michael