Little Audrey Santo
** **Right from the beginning in the hospital hundreds of people came to pray for Audrey. Old friends, relatives and even strangers. Catholics and people from other faiths came, sent prayers, cards and gifts to Audrey. The hospital was so inundated with people, media and phone calls they eventually put Audrey in a private room in the PICU. For some reason God wanted Audrey to be known right from the beginning.
Little Audrey Santo
Little Audrey Santo lives in Worcester, Massachusetts. The change in Little Audrey’s life began on a hot summer day, August 9, 1987, when Audrey was three years old. She was playing in the driveway with Stephen, her brother. It was on this day that Audrey fell into the family swimming pool, even though she had been afraid of water.
Audrey recovered but was rushed to the hospital where she was overmedicated. The doctor prescribed too much Phenobarbital, and Audrey lapsed into a coma.
The hospital’s physical therapist broke Audrey’s legs and dislocated her shoulder. Then the doctor insisted on insertion of a tracheotomy tube. She remained in ICU with 24-hour nursing care. She was out of the coma in three weeks. She remains in a state called Akinetic Mutism — non-moving, non-speaking.
**The "professionals" insisted that Audrey be placed in an institution. Audrey’s mother Linda, felt that she would receive better care being home with her family. So in November four months following the accident, Audrey was brought home.
St. Paul tells us in scripture God sends us signs and wonders to get our attention. So is this what God is doing with Audrey?
We believe that signs and wonders are manifesting with Audrey, around her and about her. Audrey seems to manifest unexplainable (medically) marks on her body that resemble the wounds of Christ. St. Paul also tells us that we must offer up our suffering to continue for Christ’s redemptive suffering. We also know Jesus Christ is the ultimate Victim. Suffering is not useless when offered up. We believe that Audrey does this. Suffering united to Christ takes on meaning.
The religious images that exude oil and blood are unexplainable to us. We believe because of the good fruits these unexplained happenings are of God. The Bishop’s commission has stated clearly they have found no trickery.