I came across a quote by Augustine the puzzles me. It’s from Sermon 70A.
Any thoughts?
The sermon is a brief exhortation to be humble and to take up the yoke of Christ. But the part about Christ freeing us from Hell puzzles me. Perhaps purgatory is what was being referred to, and either it is a mistranslation (I can’t find the Latin, but the translator is a Dominican-OP), or there wasn’t a word for it at that time.So, brothers, don’t let pride swell in you, let it shrivel instead and rot. Be disgusted by it, throw it out. Christ is looking for a humble Christian. Christ in heaven, Christ with us, Christ in hell-not to be kept there, but to release others from there. That’s the kind of leader we have. He is seated at the right hand of the Father, but he is gathering us up together from the earth: one in this way, one in that; by favoring this one, chastising that one, giving this one joy and that one trouble, may he that gathers gather us up; may he gather us up, otherwise we are lost; may he gather us together where we can’t get lost, into that land of the living where all deserts are acknowledged and justice is rewarded.
Any thoughts?