This was the headline in the West Australian Newspaper yesterday but unfortunately, I can’t find a link to their story.
As we know, neither state - brain-dead nor heart-dead are absolutely definitive. Terri Schaivo was declared ‘brain-dead’ even though she wasn’t in a coma. Or Daniel Walker, the 17 year old whose heart stopped, but began beating again several days later.(newsday.com/news/local/newyork/ny-bc-ny–miracleheart0212feb12,0,5361536.story?coll=ny-top-headlines)
If you have signed up for organ donation, this could happen to you. Instead of trying to save your life, they will hasten your death in order to harvest your organs.
Australia may legalize organ harvesting of live patients
Monday, July 10, 2006 by: NewsTargetNewsTarget) The Australian Health Ethics Committee is currently lobbying for legislation that will allow bodies to be prepared for organ transplantation before death; specifically those who are certain to die when their heart stops beating. The result is that Australia may become the first nation to specifically legalize organ harvesting on patients not yet dead.
“There is only one state of death, but there are two ways in which a doctor can certify death as having occurred: brain death and cessation of circulation,” said working party chair Peter Joseph.
And that is only to make legal what is already happening.
The Nasty Side Of Organ Transplanting
Donation after Cardiac Death (Non-heart beating donors) patients in the dying process may get the following treatment to preserve their organs for donation, none of which is therapeutic to the still living donor patient.
“Several NHBD protocols permit ante-mortem pharmacologic interventions and/or ante-mortem or postmortem invasive procedures that do not benefit the patient. These interventions may perhaps hasten death, and in particular with postmortem invasive procedures, may be performed with neither family consent, nor the obligation to inform families subsequently that these procedures have been performed.”
As we know, neither state - brain-dead nor heart-dead are absolutely definitive. Terri Schaivo was declared ‘brain-dead’ even though she wasn’t in a coma. Or Daniel Walker, the 17 year old whose heart stopped, but began beating again several days later.(newsday.com/news/local/newyork/ny-bc-ny–miracleheart0212feb12,0,5361536.story?coll=ny-top-headlines)
If you have signed up for organ donation, this could happen to you. Instead of trying to save your life, they will hasten your death in order to harvest your organs.
Australia may legalize organ harvesting of live patients
Monday, July 10, 2006 by: NewsTargetNewsTarget) The Australian Health Ethics Committee is currently lobbying for legislation that will allow bodies to be prepared for organ transplantation before death; specifically those who are certain to die when their heart stops beating. The result is that Australia may become the first nation to specifically legalize organ harvesting on patients not yet dead.
“There is only one state of death, but there are two ways in which a doctor can certify death as having occurred: brain death and cessation of circulation,” said working party chair Peter Joseph.
And that is only to make legal what is already happening.
The Nasty Side Of Organ Transplanting
Donation after Cardiac Death (Non-heart beating donors) patients in the dying process may get the following treatment to preserve their organs for donation, none of which is therapeutic to the still living donor patient.
“Several NHBD protocols permit ante-mortem pharmacologic interventions and/or ante-mortem or postmortem invasive procedures that do not benefit the patient. These interventions may perhaps hasten death, and in particular with postmortem invasive procedures, may be performed with neither family consent, nor the obligation to inform families subsequently that these procedures have been performed.”