I cannot believe what I am hearing. This topic is not a research paper. Its simply a curious man wanting to know if maybe Asperger’s/Austistics might be ideal candidates for the hermit life. So far, nobody is answering this. Rather, they are just belittling them.
I thank those that had good and nice things to say about those with Asperger’s/Austism. It shows you love all of God’s children. We cannot judge who He will and will not call. They are just as human as the rest of us and Jesus is in all of them too.
We must love and help all. We cannot, as a worldwide community of believers, be a stumbling block for the disabled. They need our support, help, and most of all, our love. When their family rejects them, we should accept them in our arms. These people can even become orphans as adults because their parents are fed up with how different they are and clearly do not have the love to accept them. Admittedly, it will take a while for religious orders to open up for the disabled, but its on the road. We can be happy and proud of this. For the hermit life, this has been a possibility for Asperger’s/Autistics/Disabled for a long time and some of them can take care of themselves, have an Extern or a patron, to help them, and even Jesus can help them. We should not have less faith in them. We must remember that Jesus does often pick the weakest of us for vocations. Its not about unworthiness. Its about Jesus deserving all of our love.
Here are some links of groups and ideas that are being planted so that Asperger’s/Austicis/Disabled Catholics will have them as options if they feel called to a vocation:
Blessed Herman’s Eremitical Network:
Leonie League for the Advancement of Autistic Persons:
Sisters for the Autistic (proposed):
And of course, to become a hermit is easier, but its still just as much of a loving challenge as religious life. I am sure any of them can take the challenge and do it well. I can name many examples of disabled people that were great saints or could be on their way to becoming one. Any skepticism towards our weaker brothers and sisters is not kind and comes from Satan. He believes might makes right. There is a Carthusian monk that is completely blind. He is doing very well in his community. There is a blind Priest. There is a blind nun and she was able to enter a mainstream religious order. The world iks filled with our Lord’s love, if only we would look and realise.
Now, to answer the question Henry was curious about. Yes, I believe some of them may be suited to the hermit life, especially if its their call. Sometimes, you have to try something to realise that is what Jesus is calling you to. Thank you for caring. I hope I have been of help.