My mom showed me some article that some pro-life Law Center thing sent her dealing with the trafficking of body parts.
I went online and found this website
and others in google
But I also came to this site of the government claiming that it is a myth: usinfo.state.gov/media/Archive_Index/The_Baby_Parts_Myth.html
It was interesting to find that all the websites that alleged authenticity of this issue had all the prices different (the articles all have different prices for the brain, for instance), and they are all pro-life websites.
Does any one know if this is true or a myth…?
And if it’s true, why would someone do this and why would some one buy aborted baby parts…?
I went online and found this website
and others in google
But I also came to this site of the government claiming that it is a myth: usinfo.state.gov/media/Archive_Index/The_Baby_Parts_Myth.html
It was interesting to find that all the websites that alleged authenticity of this issue had all the prices different (the articles all have different prices for the brain, for instance), and they are all pro-life websites.
Does any one know if this is true or a myth…?
And if it’s true, why would someone do this and why would some one buy aborted baby parts…?