Baby Torres Still Kicking, Donations Pour in

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By Angela E. Pometto
Staff Writer
Arlington Catholic Herald
(From the 6/23/05 issue)

It has been nearly eight weeks since Susan Torres was rushed to the hospital after she suffered a stroke caused by melanoma cancer. For eight weeks, despite her brain damage, she has been closely monitored and kept alive for the sake of her unborn baby. And after eight weeks, baby Torres is alive and kicking — quite literally.

According to Mercy Schlapp, a friend of the Torres family, Jason Torres felt his child kick for the first time on June 20.

But the battle for the child’s life is far from over. Twenty-five weeks gestation is the earliest that a baby can survive an early delivery, and this is Susan’s 21st week of pregnancy. The family hopes to wait until 30 weeks before delivering. Right now, the cancer has spread to Susan’s lymph nodes, but the baby is in no immediate danger, said Schlapp.

The Torres family is doing “well — given the circumstances” said Fathers Denis Donahue and Jerry Wooton.

“They’re doing amazingly well, and it’s all due to their Catholic faith,” said Father Donahue, pastor of St. Rita Parish in Alexandria. “That’s what’s holding them together.”

According to Father Donahue, the challenge is to keep her alive one day at a time. Father Wooton, parochial vicar of St. Leo the Great Parish in Fairfax, said Susan had several fevers lately. The doctors have been able to reduce the fever, and the little one is still doing well.

While the Arlington Catholic HERALD was the first to report this story (ACH 5/26/05), many other news organizations have picked it up including USA Today, The Washington Post, The Washington Times, ABC News, CBS News, WJLA and CNN. Thanks to the extended coverage, the family has been flooded with support. . . .

Full article
This is where payers to St. Gianna Beretta Molla and be of real benefit.

If anything, this case if proving the an unborn child is NOT part of the woman’s body, and that, even if she chooses to abuse her own body, there is a line that can be crossed. God gave us freedom of choice but expects us to make the choose the right choice.
I am proof that miracles CAN happen–there is certainly hope for this baby. Forty years ago this month I was born at around 27 weeks gestation. I weighed less than a pound and doctors assured my parents that in the unlikely event that I survived I would be blind and/or hopelessly brain damaged.

My parents were devastated–they had tried to conceive for fifteen (yes fifteen) years and had thought they would never have children–it was a miracle that they conceived-- and then I was born early. I was immediately baptised in the hospital and then put into an incubator–about all they could do technology wise at the time.

Well, to make a long story semi-short–I am OK physically and mentally (you might get some objections about the OK mentally part from my four years younger sister). With the exception of having to wear glasses (I’m quite near-sighted but it is easily corrected with normal eyeware) I have had no physical problems.

I never had any trouble academically. I hold a B.A. with a double major from the University of California and obtained teacher credentialing for two separate subjects. I have always worked–I married–and I have a perfectly wonderful five year old daughter.

I would like to encourage all who are tempted to think negatively about the possible outcome for the baby to remember that with God, nothing is impossible. No matter how we might view an outcome as “negative” or “positive” we can be assured that God holds us ALL in his hands.
How dare they say that!!!:mad: Susan being an incubator is demeaning:mad: :tsktsk: Of all the assinine things to say:tsktsk: Why don’t they say what they think?They resent being women and resent being able to get pregnant:banghead:

They think it’s HAVING to get pregnant. They know that the human race, or at least this country, ceases if Women stop having children.

They also know that, when women have children, it inconveninces their career and home life, and it adversely effects their income.

Ot’s the Love of Money coupled with the modern worship of Convenience.

That’s the great one-Ywo pinch, but most of them would never admit to being that materialistic, esp. the ones who lidke to think of themselves as “Spiritual” or better than those Troglodytic males.

And, then you’ve got the youth and beauty worshipping males…

The poor bbies do’t stnd a chance, esp. if these people don’t hear the REAL GOSTPEL!

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
I am proof that miracles CAN happen–there is certainly hope for this baby. Forty years ago this month I was born at around 27 weeks gestation. I weighed less than a pound and doctors assured my parents that in the unlikely event that I survived I would be blind and/or hopelessly brain damaged.

My parents were devastated–they had tried to conceive for fifteen (yes fifteen) years and had thought they would never have children–it was a miracle that they conceived-- and then I was born early. I was immediately baptised in the hospital and then put into an incubator–about all they could do technology wise at the time.

Well, to make a long story semi-short–I am OK physically and mentally (you might get some objections about the OK mentally part from my four years younger sister). With the exception of having to wear glasses (I’m quite near-sighted but it is easily corrected with normal eyeware) I have had no physical problems.

I never had any trouble academically. I hold a B.A. with a double major from the University of California and obtained teacher credentialing for two separate subjects. I have always worked–I married–and I have a perfectly wonderful five year old daughter.

I would like to encourage all who are tempted to think negatively about the possible outcome for the baby to remember that with God, nothing is impossible. No matter how we might view an outcome as “negative” or “positive” we can be assured that God holds us ALL in his hands.

Thank you for your story of God’s Grace and Love. I can say that, in your case, someone must have spent a lot of time intercessing on your behalf, and that it was time well spent. I don’t think that you are one who suffers from “lack of Gratitutde”, and so God can see that you really are grateful for this miracle that He did.

Praise be to Jesus Christ.

Maybe someone thinking of a loate -term Abortion will read your story and realize what the Child they’re carrying can gorw up to be.

Thank you for sharing your story.

Blessings on you and on your household. Michael
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