I returned about a week ago, and posted this on another forum, but I thought I would post it on here for those that might be interested. For those that don’t know, I have been discerning a religious vocation for about 2 years now and I was just Confirmed a few months ago. This was my first visit to a Monastery. I’m trusting always that everything will happen according to His will. If there’s any questions anyone may have, i’ll try to answer them! 
Praised be Jesus Christ!
I had such a beautiful time at the Monastery. I got there Thursday afternoon. As soon as I arrived, Sister (Extern Sister), showed me where I would be staying, then they gave me a meal.
I believe it was one of the Sister’s family members that was visiting at the Monastery this weekend, so they had me stay in the Priest Suite, which is right next to the Chapel. Sister showed me a little “secret” passage way that they (Externs) go through to get the the Chapel. Just a few steps away and there it was! It was a blessing to have been able to stay in the Priest Suite because I was able to spend so much time with Our Lord in the Chapel, if I stayed in the guest house, I would have had limited access. The Chapel is beautiful, it reminds me a lot of a Cathedral style Church, though not as big, and with all the art work it looks like a Church you would find in the Vatican. They had Benediction two times while I was there, and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament almost all day on Friday. What a joy it was to go and spend all of that time with Jesus! Praise The Lord, O my soul!
That night I met with Mother for the first time, I must say I was nervous and kept thinking about what I was going to say. We had a very nice chat for a couple of hours. She had said to me after we had talked that she didn’t really have anymore questions to ask me, she says I have this Vocation. She made the comment “Are you ready to enter now? It seems like you are.” Though I have been recently Confirmed, I know sometimes there is a waiting period. She says she is going to ask the Bishop about this. If the Lord wills that I return, then I know He has a time when that will be.
They gave me their scheduel, which was nice because I was able to go to the Chapel and hear them singing and pray with them. They gave me a copy of The Liturgy of the Hours both in English and Latin. I must say I followed along in the English book, it will take much practice for me to figure it out in Latin and how to use that book, Mother said she didn’t want me to get discouraged. I did though look through the Latin and caught up with them a couple of times… then I got lost again.
The Mass there is beautiful! There was never a large crowd at Mass, the atmosphere was private and intimate. The Sisters sound beautiful when they sang Gregorian Chant.
Mother had me watch a movie, one of the Extern Sisters stayed with me. For this, we went into the guest house. The movie is called “The Star of Bethlehem.” This movie is extremely interesting! It is, of course, about the Star of Bethlehem. I recommend watching it. Here is the website if you want to find out more: bethlehemstar.net/
Mother also gave me a book called “The Gift of Oneself”, and I purchased in the little shop they have there some prayer cards and a book called “Divine Intimacy.” The Sister’s use this book everyday for a meditation. They have a meditation in this book for everyday of the year. I recommend both of these.
They have a Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites that go to the Monastery and also give a lot of helping hands to the Sisters. They are such a kind group of people, hearts filled with love, and are striving for holiness. I got to spend the afternoon with them and attended their Mass and had lunch with them. I got to be in a discussion group with them about Saint John of the Cross and his writings. They had great insights and I could tell they very much study his writings. It was great that I was able to meet them.
Mother had me clean the Chapel and I got to do some garden work with Sister in the Extern garden. My first time doing garden work. I felt like a postulant for a few hours!
I got to meet all the Sisters, but one. They have 16 at the moment, including the two Externs. They have a Postulant that is going to be receive the Habit and her new name on the Feast day of Corpus Christi! She is Sister Deberah at the moment.
They have public Novenas there also in the Chapel. Sometime this year they are going to have one to The Little Flower. I was told of the story about the priest’s that are going to attend. They are twin brothers. When they were in the womb there was some difficulties, their mother was told that she should abort one of them (i’m not sure what the medical issue was.) The mother went to the Monastery and told the Sisters and was told to consecrate them to the Sacred Heart. She went into the Chapel and did so. Now, both of them are Ordained, and… **they were both Ordained on the Feast day of the Sacred Heart! **Praise the Lord! I thought that was such a beautiful story and I wanted to share that with you all.
Mother gave me an application. I do plan on sending it back. If the Lord wills that I enter, then I will return there. I would like to discern further with them, and find out if this is where Jesus is calling me. May all my desires and actions be according to His will. Amen.

Praised be Jesus Christ!
I had such a beautiful time at the Monastery. I got there Thursday afternoon. As soon as I arrived, Sister (Extern Sister), showed me where I would be staying, then they gave me a meal.
I believe it was one of the Sister’s family members that was visiting at the Monastery this weekend, so they had me stay in the Priest Suite, which is right next to the Chapel. Sister showed me a little “secret” passage way that they (Externs) go through to get the the Chapel. Just a few steps away and there it was! It was a blessing to have been able to stay in the Priest Suite because I was able to spend so much time with Our Lord in the Chapel, if I stayed in the guest house, I would have had limited access. The Chapel is beautiful, it reminds me a lot of a Cathedral style Church, though not as big, and with all the art work it looks like a Church you would find in the Vatican. They had Benediction two times while I was there, and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament almost all day on Friday. What a joy it was to go and spend all of that time with Jesus! Praise The Lord, O my soul!
That night I met with Mother for the first time, I must say I was nervous and kept thinking about what I was going to say. We had a very nice chat for a couple of hours. She had said to me after we had talked that she didn’t really have anymore questions to ask me, she says I have this Vocation. She made the comment “Are you ready to enter now? It seems like you are.” Though I have been recently Confirmed, I know sometimes there is a waiting period. She says she is going to ask the Bishop about this. If the Lord wills that I return, then I know He has a time when that will be.
They gave me their scheduel, which was nice because I was able to go to the Chapel and hear them singing and pray with them. They gave me a copy of The Liturgy of the Hours both in English and Latin. I must say I followed along in the English book, it will take much practice for me to figure it out in Latin and how to use that book, Mother said she didn’t want me to get discouraged. I did though look through the Latin and caught up with them a couple of times… then I got lost again.
The Mass there is beautiful! There was never a large crowd at Mass, the atmosphere was private and intimate. The Sisters sound beautiful when they sang Gregorian Chant.
Mother had me watch a movie, one of the Extern Sisters stayed with me. For this, we went into the guest house. The movie is called “The Star of Bethlehem.” This movie is extremely interesting! It is, of course, about the Star of Bethlehem. I recommend watching it. Here is the website if you want to find out more: bethlehemstar.net/
Mother also gave me a book called “The Gift of Oneself”, and I purchased in the little shop they have there some prayer cards and a book called “Divine Intimacy.” The Sister’s use this book everyday for a meditation. They have a meditation in this book for everyday of the year. I recommend both of these.
They have a Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites that go to the Monastery and also give a lot of helping hands to the Sisters. They are such a kind group of people, hearts filled with love, and are striving for holiness. I got to spend the afternoon with them and attended their Mass and had lunch with them. I got to be in a discussion group with them about Saint John of the Cross and his writings. They had great insights and I could tell they very much study his writings. It was great that I was able to meet them.
Mother had me clean the Chapel and I got to do some garden work with Sister in the Extern garden. My first time doing garden work. I felt like a postulant for a few hours!
I got to meet all the Sisters, but one. They have 16 at the moment, including the two Externs. They have a Postulant that is going to be receive the Habit and her new name on the Feast day of Corpus Christi! She is Sister Deberah at the moment.
They have public Novenas there also in the Chapel. Sometime this year they are going to have one to The Little Flower. I was told of the story about the priest’s that are going to attend. They are twin brothers. When they were in the womb there was some difficulties, their mother was told that she should abort one of them (i’m not sure what the medical issue was.) The mother went to the Monastery and told the Sisters and was told to consecrate them to the Sacred Heart. She went into the Chapel and did so. Now, both of them are Ordained, and… **they were both Ordained on the Feast day of the Sacred Heart! **Praise the Lord! I thought that was such a beautiful story and I wanted to share that with you all.
Mother gave me an application. I do plan on sending it back. If the Lord wills that I enter, then I will return there. I would like to discern further with them, and find out if this is where Jesus is calling me. May all my desires and actions be according to His will. Amen.