I was baptised five short years ago in Utah. My wife has always been Catholic. I went to Mass for many years before the light went off. It happened when I was asked to proceed to the front for a special blessing. I did not want to be in this line. Then I yearned to be in this line. I have been called to the ministry of Aopologetics. I found Catholic Answers early on. It helped so much. Please give this Catholic your (name removed by moderator)ut in order for me to keep walking the path for Christ.
Visit this new Utah Mission at www.catholic-rcia.com
I was taught Mormonism as a very early age. If you have any questions I would love to humbly answer. If you know anyone who is thiinking about converting to this faith please e-mail me at utahmission@al.com
Peace in Christ Always
Visit this new Utah Mission at www.catholic-rcia.com
I was taught Mormonism as a very early age. If you have any questions I would love to humbly answer. If you know anyone who is thiinking about converting to this faith please e-mail me at utahmission@al.com
Peace in Christ Always