I’m the only Catholic–and a convert, at that!–on my entire side of the family, both paternal and maternal. In fact, I don’t think there’s EVER been anyone Catholic on my side of the family, ever. My husband, however, has a few Catholic relatives, but they’re quite far away from us.
Two sweet girls are getting baptised soon (next month, if I can plan it that quickly!), and I have a problem: no one to choose for Godparents or sponsors. I suppose I could find someone in my parish, but that doesn’t feel right because I’m not “close” to anyone there yet (and I don’t want a sponsor or Godparent merely for the sake of having one, KWIM?). Or, I could choose one of my husband’s relatives and risk offending my ILs who are Lutheran (though my MIL was born Catholic, and they really wouldn’t be “offended”, per se).
Plus, I’m wondering if I shouldn’t plan the girls’ baptisms for a time separate from any Mass. That way, all my non-Catholic family (both mine and my husband’s) won’t feel “left out” when it’s time to partake Eucharist. But there’s part of me that feels like the girls’ baptisms SHOULD take place within the sacrifice of the Mass, which I’d love.
I’m so confused–can anyone shed some insight? Has this happened to any of you? If so, what did you end up doing? Any advice would be greatly welcome.
Two sweet girls are getting baptised soon (next month, if I can plan it that quickly!), and I have a problem: no one to choose for Godparents or sponsors. I suppose I could find someone in my parish, but that doesn’t feel right because I’m not “close” to anyone there yet (and I don’t want a sponsor or Godparent merely for the sake of having one, KWIM?). Or, I could choose one of my husband’s relatives and risk offending my ILs who are Lutheran (though my MIL was born Catholic, and they really wouldn’t be “offended”, per se).
Plus, I’m wondering if I shouldn’t plan the girls’ baptisms for a time separate from any Mass. That way, all my non-Catholic family (both mine and my husband’s) won’t feel “left out” when it’s time to partake Eucharist. But there’s part of me that feels like the girls’ baptisms SHOULD take place within the sacrifice of the Mass, which I’d love.
I’m so confused–can anyone shed some insight? Has this happened to any of you? If so, what did you end up doing? Any advice would be greatly welcome.