Baptism and lockdown

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Hi everyone - my baby is due in Just over a week and there is no sign of a let up on lockdown / social distancing. Should I just get baby baptised in hospital rather than in church. ? On the one hand I feel baby should be received into church with witnesses but equally I don’t want to risk not having them baptised esp in such uncertain times. It could be months and months before this could happen otherwise and that doesn’t sit well with me. On the other hand I’d be depriving the family of attending the baptism (truthfully , that doesn’t bother me but would bother them and hubby would rather they were there of course). In case of emergency of course they would be baptised anyway in hospital but I don’t know whether to wait it out - I’ve never wanted to wait long anyway to do it :confused:

At least in the US, it’s not common for babies to be baptized immediately after birth unless there is some emergency. Most kids seem to get baptized at a few months old, likely to give family time to make travel arrangements to visit.

Talk to your priest, but I don’t think there’s any harm in waiting till the lockdown ends unless there is an emergency (which I’m sure there won’t be.)
Should I just get baby baptised in hospital rather than in church. ?
You should speak to your priest.

Outside the danger of death, no you would not immediately baptize the baby in the hospital, even before Covid.
It could be months and months before this could happen otherwise
You are speculating. You don’t actually know what provisions your pastor may make.
but I don’t know whether to wait it out
Speak to your pastor.
Congratulations! Absolutely!

Couldn’t you have the actual baptism in the hospital? Then have a celebration with friends and family, later? Ideally, after this pandemic has passed!

There are probably some people you’d invite that would be relieved, out of concern for their own families. But, do speak to your pastor.

Again, congratulations. And, God Bless! Your new baby, and yourselves!
No, once I’ve had the baby husband has to go home after four hours and neither he nor Any family can visit me for as long as I’m in there (hospital restrictions in my town ).
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If it isn’t important to you to have the baby Baptized in the parish church, then I don’t think it really matters either way. Most babies don’t get Baptised until they are six weeks because most pediatricians don’t recommend passing a baby around a party until then. (or later) I imagine that your parish would allow you to have a private Baptism by that time, if that’s what you wanted. I understand completely, wanting to have the baby Baptized quickly. It’s one of the most important duties a parent can do and I always though it was slightly nerve-wracking to wait. Just call the pastor and find out what he recommends.
I guessed that. I meant have the celebration days, weeks, later…after the pandemic is under control.
Have you spoken to your pastor about this? Some churches are making special arrangements for baptisms, like you can have the baptism but no more than 6 people present, etc.

As others have said, baptisms in a hospital are usually only done if baby is in danger of death. The Church rather frowns on layperson parents taking it upon themselves to baptize a baby unless there is a health emergency.
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No not yet. If there is a Catholic chaplain in the hospital I will speak to them otherwise I honestly think we will end up having to wait. No churches open at all in UK and priest not allowed out to baby
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