Baptism in the Holy Spirit

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What is baptism in the Holy Spirit? What does it consist of?, Who does it? When and where is it done and why? Is this helpful to Catholics who what to deepen their faith, I’m hitting a brick wall and don’t seem to be progressing much. I’m shy and quiet so I can’t see myself jumping around and speaking in tounges. Can someone tell be more about Baptism in the Holy Spirit and the charismatic movement? Thank you.

Do a search on the boards for the words Charismatic and Baptism of The Holy Spirit. There have been numerous threads in the last two months dealing with this topic. Opinions on these boards, and in the larger Church I would assume, are split between those who believe the whole movement is a crock and those who believe it is a valuable and life giving part of the Catholic Church.

Those who are opposed to the movement like to claim that it is “Montanism revisited”, while those who support it point out the vast differences between the heretical Montanist movement of the early centuries and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of today.

You don’t have to speak in tongues or jump around the room to be a charismatic. 😉 What we Charismatics refer to as the baptism of the Holy Spirit is more accurately a prayer for a person to recognize their gifts (whatever spiritual gifts they may be --and there are many) and learn to operate in them.

I’ll recommend some books for you, "The Call To Holiness: reflections on The Catholic Charismatic Renewal” by Archbishop Paul Josef Cordes, published by The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, Minnesota.

Also “A New Pentecost?” by Cardinal Suenans. This has recently been republished and is his examination of the “movement” and whether it is a genuine move of the Holy Spirit. It has been recently republished by FIAT (Belgium) - ISBN 90 75410-07-7.

Here’s a little info for you from the web, too.

"Baptism in the Holy Spirit is empowerment of individuals and of the Church for its mission in the world: the proclamation of the Lordship of Jesus Christ and of His power to transform society. Baptism in the Spirit is not joining a movement, but embracing the fullness of Christian initiation, which belongs to the Church.

Charismatic Catholics are a growing lay apostolate within the Catholic Church, and most Charismatic Catholic groups are in total obedience to Rome, operating with the official approval of the Vatican and the Pope. The Catholic Charismatic Renewal presents no new doctrine. Instead, members emphasize the teachings of the Catholic Church and often focus on ecumenical outreach, as well as maintaining some amazing missionary movements. Charismatics have a calling to the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. Some charismatics function within their parish. Others, in addition to living out a faith life in their parishes, have formed covenant communities. For more info, go here.

Australian website with many great links’

I hope I have been helpful to you in your search for understanding. God be with you 👍
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