This is my husband’s account; I am new to the forums. I was hoping I could get some suggestions on hosting my 3 wk old daughter’s baptism celebration following the ceremony (for about 25 people).
The ceremony is at 1:00 in the afternoon with just family. Therefore, the party will begin around 2. Would you recommend finger foods, or a lunch? Do you have any suggestions for what type of finger foods, or lunch food?
I am not very experienced with throwing parties, or cooking for many people, but I want to make it special, and have the time to do so. I am just short on ideas. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
This is my husband’s account; I am new to the forums. I was hoping I could get some suggestions on hosting my 3 wk old daughter’s baptism celebration following the ceremony (for about 25 people).
The ceremony is at 1:00 in the afternoon with just family. Therefore, the party will begin around 2. Would you recommend finger foods, or a lunch? Do you have any suggestions for what type of finger foods, or lunch food?
I am not very experienced with throwing parties, or cooking for many people, but I want to make it special, and have the time to do so. I am just short on ideas. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.