Hi I am in RCIA and will bring this up either at my next RCIA Class or with the Deacon, but thought I would post my question here because I am impatient. My oldest child is 19 and totally blind and mentally handicapped. He has the nature and mentallity of a kindergardener or younger. He really is sweet. I asked the Deacon and he said he could be baptised and didn’t need to go through RCIA or Children’s RCIA. My question concerns Godparents- Will I need to find a Catholic God parent for him? No family on either side is Catholic, He is 19 but we maintain legal guadianship of him. Just Curious. I also have a 10 year old who will be starting children’s RCIA in the Fall. Same question for him I was reading that Godparents or at least one Godparent has to be Catholic so I have the same problem. Or because he is of age will he not need God Parents? Thanks in Advance Deana