I can’t offer any help on the month of Jesus’ baptism.
But, what a stunning and spiritually overwhelming event was Jesus’ baptism. Although Jesus was sinless, He told John that it must be so, that He be baptised. The water of Noah’s flood, which was a sign of condemnation for the sins of mankind, was poured over Him, and the guilt of us all was laid on Him.
And, being touched with the sign of God’s condemnation and approval, He was led by the Spirit into the desert, showing His dependence on His Father, and His willingness to die.
The baptism of Jesus in the Jordan is truly worthy of a first class Luminous Mystery.
Who but the one that Jesus declared the greatest of the prophets, the one who was ready to die for telling the truth, was worthy and honored and probably greatly troubled at the same time to touch the Lamb of God with the ancient water.