Always like keeping the people happy!
So, when are you switching sides to become a baptist like me?
Actually, I found the truth and left the Baptist Church last year and became Catholic! Praise God! I find this side of the Tiber, Gods established with ‘keys’ side, to be in the ‘fullness’ of Gods Church and His Faith and Morals.
I just got tired of the preacher (a doctor of theology) contridicting the Bible study teacher (another doctor of theology) and both of them contridicting Scripture (the ‘inspired’ Word of God). When our preacher left for a 4 week vacation we could not even ask another Baptist preacher at one of the other churches to substitue for us either. You see, each Baptist preacher has a different “truth”. One may be a calvanist and one my not. The previous preacher at my “EX”-Baptist church was a calvanist too and ran the church into the ground and the 7 remaining members fired him! Praise God! They hired a non-calvinist preacher to regain membership. Even many Baptists can still see the herisy in calvinism!
Anyway, I love to discuss Scripture with Baptists who still have an open mind.
I read Scripture one day and the Holy Spirit lifted the ‘scales’ from my eyes so that I could ‘see’ and ‘hear’ His Word. I have never seen any Church follow Scripture teaching or include it more thouroughly in teaching and in services then in the Catholic Church. Praise God!
I now have a “hope” for salvation as a Catholic. As a Baptist I only had a false “opinion” not from Scripture of it. I’ll follow Jesus’ teaching and St. Pauls example of “Hope”, the greater gift! Luther invented ‘faith alone’, St. Paul taught ‘Hope.’ I’ll go with St. Paul anyday!
Just a note though, I still have many Christian friends in the Baptist church. Most of them disowned me though and won’t let my kids play with theirs anymore. Oh well, I still love them and so does God.
Memorizing Bible verses doesn’t make you a Christian, living them does. Praise God I found His body, the Catholic Church.
PS. You mention switching sides? I switched sides when I became a Baptist for 27 years. I ‘reconciled’ myself back to the Catholic Church when I came home. Baptist that I know think we have ‘sides’. Catholics think we have Faith and Hope and Love. We are not on opposite sides as you Baptists think. We are on one side and Satan has divided Christs’ Church with false teachings. Thats why there are thousands of sects in the US that all broke off from the Catholic Church over the years. John Smyth founded the Baptist church in 1607 A.D. Jesus founded the Catholic Church in 33 A.D.
I like being in a Church with one Faith and Moral that does not change to fit popular opinions. Look at the changing Baptist faith. How can Gods Word or His moral values change? Some Baptist now preach for abotion or in favor of birth control as an example of just two morals that were once immoral and are now moral in some/most Baptist churches I was in. One Baptism for the forgiveness of sins or one in each new Baptist church?
(Note: It is hard to clump Baptists and their teachings together since they split and form new churches faster then anyone I know can keep up with them. So not all Baptist churches approve of abortion but some do. Heck, some Catholics approve of infanticide too, just not the Church which preserves for us Gods Faith and Morals.)
We are not on different sides if you are a Christian. I am on the side of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. I may have the deposit of Faith and Morals and you may have opinions with varying degrees of belief in the deposit of Faith and Morals. We may not agree on 100% but I bet (yes, its OK to gamble too!) we agree on more then we disagree. We are brothers in Christ if your are on His side. Which side are you on? I’ll ‘gamble’ your on ours. Praise God!