Did you know that Mel Gibson re-cut The Passion to promote Mary to kids? That’s what I heard today from a Baptist co-worker. Mary is now the star of the The Passion! What!!! Oh, yes, we’ve just discovered that Pilate’s wife giving Mary towels which Mary uses to wipe up Jesus’ blood is NOT in the Bible. OH MY! Furthermore, there is no scripture which says that Mary held Jesus BUT Joseph of Arimethea did. WHAT!!! Me: What does scripture say about Jesus? That the gospels don’t contain everything that Jesus said or did, right? Her: Yes. Me: Why should that not apply to the whole of Jesus’ life including what his Mother did? Her: It’s not in the Bible. Me: What is the problem? Pilate’s wife had the dream and warned Pilate, why couldn’t she bring towels to Mary? Her: It’s not in the Bible. Me: What possible difference could it make to the story of the Passion? Her: It’s not in the Bible. Me: AAAAAGGHHH! Her: Mary did not hold her Son at the foot of the cross. Me. WHAT? DID I HEAR YOU RIGHT? Her: It’s not in the Bible? Me: If it were your son would you not have cradled his body? Her: No, its not in the Bible. Me: I didn’t ask if it was in the Bible. I asked if it were your son what would you do? Her: Blank stare. Me: This isn’t rocket science. It has been portrayed throughout history, the most sublime was Michelangelo’s Pieta! Her: It’s not in the Bible. Joseph of Arimethea took care of the body. Me: AAAAGGHH! Don’t you think that His Mother would have had something to do with preparing His body for the tomb? Her: Well, I suppose so. Me: OK what happened to the cup that Jesus used in the Last Supper? Her: Mary went back and took it. Me: What about Joseph of Arimethea? Her: Oh, he got it for Mary. Me: Where is that in the Bible? Joseph of Arimethea took the cup to Glastonbury Tor in Britain. Her: He did? Me: That’s what tradition about the Holy Grail says. Her: What’s the Holy Grail?
Folks, let me tell you that I was floored by this conversation and that’s just the start of it. It went downhill from there. This woman had NO concept of history. None, whatsoever. I asked her where she got the Bible from. Jesus. Jesus? Yes, Jesus inspired the writers of the New Testament. What about the Gospel of Thomas? There is no Gospel of Thomas. How do you know that? Who set what was canonical or not in the Bible? Jesus.
For all of you who have the patience to deal with this…my hat is off to you. By the end of the conversation, I was really, really upset. Not about matters of faith, but rather about this woman’s complete and utter lack of what went on in the 1500 years before sola scriptura. She said the Catholic Church was founded AFTER Martin Luther!!! AAAAAGGGGH! A very frustrated Brother Hrolf!
Folks, let me tell you that I was floored by this conversation and that’s just the start of it. It went downhill from there. This woman had NO concept of history. None, whatsoever. I asked her where she got the Bible from. Jesus. Jesus? Yes, Jesus inspired the writers of the New Testament. What about the Gospel of Thomas? There is no Gospel of Thomas. How do you know that? Who set what was canonical or not in the Bible? Jesus.
For all of you who have the patience to deal with this…my hat is off to you. By the end of the conversation, I was really, really upset. Not about matters of faith, but rather about this woman’s complete and utter lack of what went on in the 1500 years before sola scriptura. She said the Catholic Church was founded AFTER Martin Luther!!! AAAAAGGGGH! A very frustrated Brother Hrolf!