Basic evangelizing/proselytizing tips

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The school season is rearing it’s ugly head again and I want to be prepared to spread the Word this time. I attend a high school which is mostly fallen-away Protestants (into agnosticism/atheism) as well as some active Protestants and some pagans. So, there’s a wide variety here.

What are some good ways to evangelize/proselytize the Catholic faith here?
Live your life in accordance with the Gospel and the Laws of the Church. Be charitable, but truthful in your aswers, and pray for people.
i say also, partner with your protestant brothers and sisters to evangelize the rest of the school. in that process you will probably shock the protestants (a catholic actually living his/her faith!! it can be shocking to many protestants as they don’t see it a whole lot, maybe because they don’t look for it a whole lot) and they might start to ask you questions about the catholic church and then be prepared “to give a reason for the hope that is in you, but do this with gentleness and respect.” (1Pet. 3:15)
Why not wear all kinds of Catholic “things”:
  • crucifix necklace
  • miraculous medal
  • t-shirts like “10 great reasons to stay Roman Catholic,” available through one of the catalogs, maybe even here. This same catalog has other good shirts, too, but that is my favorite.
Also say grace before meals, including the sign of the cross. A brave, Catholic young gal amazed me with this at a huge, public university. I saw her do this across the room and I, too, now do it, even if I say to myself, “thank you, Jesus” and then make the sign of the cross. It’s a very STRONG statement.

PS Know the faith well & be able to defend it.
Good luck. Barbara
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