I’ve been going to the same church now for almost two years now and I’ve strongly considered becoming a Nun. I was raised Pentecostal so, my family is deeply against my conversions. They’ve said I’m lost, following someone, seeking attention, and many other hurtful things. I’m not allowed to attend mass on Sundays because, my mom threatens to put me out and says all kinds of hurtful stuff about me not respecting her. I am not sure what to do but, I know if I don’t continue down this path I’ll never be happy. I’ve never knew what happiness was until I experienced the Catholic faith. I am currently 20 and able to make my own decisions but, I know my family will hate me even more than they do now for converting. My mom is already convinced the devil led me to catholicism because, I told her I know for a fact being a Nun is my calling.
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