Becoming a priest literature

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Hi, I’m a mom with a son who in a “roundabout” way, has mentioned the possibility of the priesthood, but is still in college and finding his way.

I had thoughts on the literature and videos I see on becoming a priest. SO MANY stories I hear, especially on EWTN, had priests acting “not so priest-like” for many years, being a “cafeteria catholic” or not going to church, etc. Many felt nudges and ignored them for months or years. Some like Fr. Corapi, had pretty wild lives beforehand. I think they bring a richness to the faith because as Father Corapi said, “no one is afraid to come to me at confession, they know I heard and DID it all”. They understand the power of grace and forgiveness. My question is, not to put down the great men with wonderful Catholic families, but don’t you think the literature shouldn’t be so narrow in discerning your vocation? Most young men would have a hard time checking all the boxes. Father Mark on Life on the Rock said, he probably would of checked 2 at the initial “come and look”. It might make someone with a different background of calling feel like he is wrong because he doesn’t yet pray everyday or he didn’t have the strong Catholic background that would be ideal.
Just a thought with the vocations down, some might think, "it’s too late or “I did too much”.

I think your son is so lucky to have you being such a great supporter for him. I am actually thinking about writing a book about the seminary process and how wonderful it is to be a seminarian in today’s world.

I recently graduated from college with a Bachelor of Science and was applying for medical school when I realized that God may be calling me to serve him as a priest. It was very scary to lay down everything I had been working towards to follow this “calling”! However, once I made the decision to go to seminary and began really devoting time and prayer into what God was wanting me to do, all of my worries melted away. I have never felt so relaxed in my life (completely polar to my “pre-med days”). While I know some seminarians that went to daily Mass long before they ever started seminary, I was not one of them. I went to Mass every Sunday and was active in my parish, but that was about it. I was Catholic. I knew I was Catholic. It was just that simple. However, I then began picking up my rosary beads and praying for the Grace needed to become the man God had intended me to be from the moment of creation.

Anyway, I have read several books but none that really blew me away. You are right, young men need something tangible to help them make these life-changing decisions! There are a few books I have not read yet, but everyone was given to me by people whom had been impacted my the message from the books. They are Father Joe by Tony Hendra, Parish Priest by Douglas Brinkley, Extraordinary Lives: Thirty-four Priests Tell Their Stories by Francis Friedl and Rex Reynolds, and finally Deep Conversion Deep Prayer by Thomas Dubay. These might be good books. I am planning on reading them this summer.

Have you seen the Fisher of Men video from I think you can find the full-length movie (only 20min long) at the USCCB’s website. It was the only thing that came close to what I was needing to make the decision to start the seminary. I showed it to my High School Youth Group and several guys came up to me afterwards and started asking questions about the seminary. It is something every Catholic should watch!!!

The best thing you can do for your son is to give him your 100% support in whatever he decides! It helps so much!

God Bless.
Thank you, I donated a book, I thought was called “Priest”, but I think their was a sub-title too, about priests that were quietly living extraordinary holy lives in the USA. One was working with youth in a high crime area, another with the poor, etc. Very moving. I will look into the ones you mentioned also. With all the scandal talk, it is heartwarming to read about good, solid priests doing their work without a lot of fanfare. I remember one of the priests was Dominican because when I donated it to our Dominican church library, I said with a smile as they looked at it, “It should be fine, theirs a Dominican priest in it”. He was from Washington DC and worked his whole life in a high crime area. They loved him and he worked little miracles all the time.

I will pray you always have the grace and strength to continue your journey, as I’m sure you will. I did see a small clip of that video and think it is very motivating. I donated a CD of Father Corapi’s conversion story to our library and I"m leaving some at other churches, because if I was male, I would of wanted to check out the priesthood afterwards. Very moving…
I got the CD’s for 1.00 a piece from I gave them more last time, but 1.00 is the minimum they ask for. They also have a funny, but serious CD from Fr. Larry Richards, who is awesome. One is about confession, one about the mass.I just have to get my son to listen to him and have it be his idea. (?) Maybe I’ll just leave them on his desk. He’s still confused about what to do but until he finishes college, I don’t think he will really know. I am proud of him,not having many friends to stick to his guns about morals, etc. I wonder how did you deal with others that might of not been supportive?
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