Becoming a speaker to adults at school

  • Thread starter Thread starter Arnold1N2D
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Hello I have a question. I will be the speaker for tomorrow’s school activity. (The activity seems like a one hour recollection) I work in a Catholic school as a teacher, and my grade level leader told me I will be the facilitator/speaker tomorrow. The theme I decided to have is “Jesus Christ: our Guide and Light” that talks about Jesus is our guide and light in this life.

I will be speaking to young adults and adults. (I’m 21, male) I’ve decided to have them do this activity wherein they will write one another’s good personalities and bad personalities (so that they will be aware of themselves on who they are) by starting with self and pass it to the left until the paper goes back again to its owner having the positive traits as well as negative written by other people.

I will discuss that we need to change for the better, especially to diminish our negative traits because that might be the reason someone left you alone, your friend is not talking to you, so and so forth. But I will integrate to their activity the Gospel reading for tomorrow, the Transfiguration of Jesus.

What do you think, do you think they will hate me for that? Thanks! I think this is for the common good, am i right?
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What do you think, do you think they will hate me for that?
Yes they will! 🤣 But this is not reason enough for you not to do it either. 😃 Maybe don’t do it because it may create animosity on a great feast? Plus considering its importance maybe tomorrow we should think of God and the Apostles and not ourselves (even at a critical level).
Probably everyone expects more theology because it’s Transfiguration. If you win their trust and respect when you first speak to them maybe one day later you can also do self-analysis thing and they will hate you less, or trust you more.
What do you think, do you think they will hate me for that? T
“Hate” may possibly be too strong a word in this case, but it’s a pretty safe bet they won’t love you for it. My guess is they’ll probably think it is embarrassing and silly. In any case, please come back tomorrow and tell us how it went!
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write one another’s good personalities and bad personalities
This is not a good idea. It can be very destructive and the way a person reacts can be very unexpected and not a well or good thing. For example if you have someone struggling to cope with something at work, either work or home related, and they read negative things written of them by their work colleagues , it could precipitate a very upsetting event in their lives.
I second emotion.

@Arnold1N2D, If you can ask them to write ONLY the positive traits of one another, that would encourage them to focus in seeing the good in other people in their day-to-day lives, then loving and accepting their fellow brethren won’t be a difficult thing to do. As a result, it’ll be much easier for you to integrate the Good News to them since the whole Gospel sums up into these two greatest commandments: “Love God with all your heart, with all you mind, with all your strength; and love your neighbors as yourself”. And by doing so, you’re doing them, and yourself, a great favour. Not to mention, the peaceful and harmonious atmosphere you’re going to create for everyone. For all you know, you may witness the strong presence of the Holy Spirit working among you that day. Good day and God bless, my brother! Shalom.
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This is a really ill-conceived idea, particularly in an employment setting. I encourage you to think of another way to make your point. Perhaps have them reflect on their own good and bad qualities and think about how they will transform negative to positive. Most importantly – no sharing!! All of this should be private, not some kind of public confession.
No. Asking people to point out another’s faults, to write them down and pass it around the room is such a bad idea that I am slack jawed. This is unkind, could be seen as bullying.
I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to have people write down what they don’t like about other people. That can be really hurtful.

So, I’m a couple days late on this one.
Did you do the activity, modify it or abandon it?
How did it go?
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