Being a soldier in light of Fratelli Tutti

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I’m wondering if the Pope has ever taught on the lawfulness of being a soldier in this present age? Protecting our country is legitimate, but It seems like with the possibility of Just War being extremely remote, voluntarily joining the armed forces may become inadmissible. I’m scrupulous and have trouble with moral reasoning when it comes to things like this, but I wanted to know if there there were other instances where Pope Francis said that being a soldier was a legitimate profession?
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Wars have always been like this, you have no way of knowing till it happens.
I’m wondering if the Pope has ever taught on the lawfulness of being a soldier in this present age? Protecting our country is legitimate, but It seems like with the possibility of Just War being extremely remote, voluntarily joining the armed forces may become inadmissible. I’m scrupulous and have trouble with moral reasoning when it comes to things like this, but I wanted to know if there there were other instances where Pope Francis said that being a soldier was a legitimate profession?
He’s never suggested otherwise, and if he were to believe that being a soldier is per se wrong, he’d probably want to say so explicitly since he’d be contradicting thousands of years of Catholic teaching, not to mention the words of Christ Himself. He’d also have to disband the Archdiocese for the Military Services, the Swiss Guard, and a whole host of other stuff.

So, yeah, the Pope has not declared that serving in the military is wrong. Are you considering joining the military or are you just idly wondering?

As an aside, if you’re scrupulous, I hope you’re managing that with a spiritual director.
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I’m not. I’m asking more because as an artist, my work involves aspects of fantasy, action and occassionally violence. I have tried to par out nearly any lethal violence or bloodshed, and it’s something I am continuing to wrestle with.
I’m not. I’m asking more because as an artist, my work involves aspects of fantasy, action and occassionally violence. I have tried to par out nearly any lethal violence or bloodshed, and it’s something I am continuing to wrestle with.
Then I don’t understand the dilemma at all. Even if, hypothetically, the Pope had declared military service per se wrong, why would that impact your artistic work?
that’s a good point. I’m sorry for posting this. It’s gotten to the point where any time lethal force is used in a story or even a movie I watch I start to think I shouldn’t watch it or depict it in my work. I’ll discuss it with my spiritual director
that’s a good point. I’m sorry for posting this. It’s gotten to the point where any time lethal force is used in a story or even a movie I watch I start to think I shouldn’t watch it or depict it in my work. I’ll discuss it with my spiritual director
Don’t apologize, I’m just trying to understand. But yeah, I think this is your scruples flaring up, because your concern doesn’t really make a lot of sense. Good luck.
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