Being prayed over in tongues

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Today I was at a prayer group where I was prayed over in tongues.

It was a peculiar experience. When the intercessor put her hand on my shoulder, I felt a sort of warmth come over me, reverberating from where she placed her hand. Then she prayed in tongues, which I wasn’t expecting. (I thought she would just mentally pray for me.) I started to feel rather lightheaded, although I’m not sure whether it was due to the effects of the prayer or due to my own shock/fear that I was being prayed over in tongues.

This was done in a Catholic context, in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, with a charismatic group formally recognized by the Church. I am familiar with the person who prayed over me - I see her at daily Mass, and she seems totally on the up-and-up from a Catholic perspective. I know others who have been prayed over by this group, and they found it to be a powerful experience.

While it happened, I was sort of horrified because I wasn’t totally expecting it. Then afterward I thought it was cool that I’d had that opportunity. Now, I am having doubts, worrying that anything about this could have been…spiritually dangerous.

Best case scenario, it was legit and it was great to have someone praying for me. Middle-case-scenario, it was not legit, and it was just gibberish. Worst case scenario, the intercessor was accidentally cursing me, without even knowing it. I wouldn’t have been too worried, except the warmth that came over me and the lightheadedness was sort of weird. Those were strange, and I do not totally understand what God’s intention would be there.

Thoughts? Do I need an exorcism? I’m kidding, but I’m also still a little weirded out.
Is it possible that you just felt lightheaded and warm due to the weirdness of it? I wouldn’t worry about it. I personally think the whole gibberish / tongues is not indicative of much.
The warmth felt real. It was different than anything I’ve experienced, really, and I wasn’t weirded out at that point yet. The lightheadedness definitely could have been due to the weirdness of the situation.
Okay, the warmth could be real, feel real, that doesn’t mean it was supernatural, right?
It had this weird reverberation though. I am inclined to think it was supernatural, but I realize I could be wrong.

If it makes any sense, I felt as though I “fought” the lightheadedness part of it. Like, I could have totally trusted that this was God working (maybe it was, and I missed out on an opportunity). But instead, I was like, “not on my watch” and started Hail Marying mentally instead.
My thought is, if you’re going to be thinking and pondering and maybe worrying this much over being prayed over in tongues, don’t engage in this activity again - it’s not for you.

If you feel concerned, say a Hail Mary and move on with your day.
I love you people on CAF. You have a way of concisely putting things into perspective. I’m less worried now.
Well, such an experience would weird me out too, but it’s nothing to worry about.

(My brother once attended a Pentecostal charismatic event with a girlfriend, and ended up speaking in tongues and being slain in the spirit, and he doesn’t and didn’t believe in any of that. He broke up the girl.)
My sister and I went to a faith healing event once at a Protestant megachurch once just to observe. Way before I became Catholic. Something was definitely going on, but I don’t know what. It had a feeling of fakeness, of charlatanism, but some people obviously were moved and fainted away when touched by the healing preacher fellow.
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I had a similar experience at the second mercy church in Lee ma. I was prayed over but didn’t experience the warmth, I just remember waking up looking at the ceiling as I layed there. It was some years ago but never forgot it and I to wondered what that was all about but it was I would have to say it was a pleasent experience. It certainly was and still is food for thought. Maybe one day we’ll find out what that was about. God bless… Gary
I had a similar experience at the second mercy church in Lee ma. I was prayed over but didn’t experience the warmth, I just remember waking up looking at the ceiling as I layed there. It was some years ago but never forgot it and I to wondered what that was all about but it was I would have to say it was a pleasent experience. It certainly was and still is food for thought. Maybe one day we’ll find out what that was about. God bless… Gary
Just curious – were you healed medically?
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No I wasent healed medically but it was an experience never to forget. I still wonder what amazing power it took to have that happen. It did however increase my faith. Maybe that’s what it was all about. But certainly all good came from that experience. I was prayed over once before but nothing happened to but many others had all sorts of things happen them from crying to laying on the floor as I had. They just tipped over while someone stood there to catch them. Strange to say the least. God bless… Gary
What I’d personally think, is that perhaps you have a particular need that only the Lord knows about, either for now or in the future, and that God was giving the person who prayed for you heavenly words to pray. I don’t think I’d really be upset or worried about it, but I’d ask God that if this prayer was for you, that he’d bless it. And then I would let it go.
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Five year study of the language that occurs during speaking in tongues revealed that is was neither organized nor any recognizable language. In contrast, the Book of Acts describes recognized languages from the Roman Empire being spoken.

Samarin, William J. (1972). Tongues of Men and Angels: The Religious Language of Pentecostalism . New York: Macmillan
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