Being thankful for disappointments

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i watched fr mitch pacwa’s show yesterday, and he interviewed a fellow jesuit, f.r sparough. fr. sparough suggested that we be thankful to God for everything in our lives, including all of the disappointments, sufferings, and awful things, and adopt what chesterton called the attitude of gratitude. i think i will live my life from now on being thankful to God, even for the things that disappoint me.
That’s a surefire way to a happy life. Constant thankfulness for the good as well as the bad is a great way to live. You never know what God is saving you from when He permits or sends a disappointment. When you trust that He knows best, you’re happy and secure. Good for you!

For everything that happends in our lives, we can either be thankful and ask God to use it or we can be bitter and reject it. My leg was destroyed in an accident, I will walk with a limp and pain for the rest of my life. I am greatful the Lord slowed me down so I could focus on Him. My marriage went from distaster to glory. I quit smoking and drinking. I now teach CCD and Adult RE.

I thank God I broke my leg.
It’s truly an amazing thing when you can reflect upon your life and see how God has used the most difficult, the most bitter episodes to bring about such amazing grace and beauty to our lives.

I wouldn’t wish some of my life episodes on my worst enemy! but I also wouldn’t take a million bucks for them, either.
We are to praise God in ALL things!

I know if it were not for the disappointments in my life I wouldn’t be where I am today on my Spiritual Journey…God only permits an evil to draw a greater good…He knew just what I needed…
My Lord and my God, I give you thanks and praise!
I agree. I really think the song Unanswered Prayers by Garth Brooks, is a great musical tribute to how we have to be thankful for everything God gives us.
work(name removed by moderator)rogress8:
I agree. I really think the song Unanswered Prayers by Garth Brooks, is a great musical tribute to how we have to be thankful for everything God gives us.
I was just thinking of that song as I was reading all these thoughts
i concur with all those above…

my wife said my favorite Garth song shoud be (i’ve got friends in low places)… i will have to ask her what she ment. :cool:

Peace… 👍
Most of my prayer’s are of thanksgiving. Even when my daughter was born with Down Syndrome I still thanked God. I have always felt grateful and try to look at my adversity with Gods eyes. That doesn’t mean I am a happy chipper person it just means that I talk to God a lot. My mother always said that when God seemingly closes a door He always gives us another to open we just need to trust Him and be guided by Him. When my 7 year old ask me why he has to go to church I always tell him it’s to thank God for all the He gives us and to let Him know we love Him.
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