Being the Woman God Wants You to Be

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Hey all,
I just got (and couldn’t put down) Christopher West’s “Good News about Sex and Marriage.” It was GREAT!
I liked the section in which he made the point that we can help ourselves reach our true sexual identity (the one that God intended) by striving to be true to our gender. A good example he gave was that men should find good role models (aka JESUS!!!) on how to be a male. I know that the obvious role model for women is our Blessed Mother, but are there any good books, articles or meditations out there that really delve into what it means to be a good Christian/Catholic woman? or mother?
Thanks for your help!

I’ve heard this book recommended: The World’s First Love, by Bishop Sheen.
I haven’t read it yet, but plan to. Here’s what reviewer Barry deWalt says about it:

"Although this book is in no way intended to be a scriptural defense of Marian doctrine, Bishop Sheen’s refreshing insights and new ways of looking at this topic are sure to benefit any reader who is open to thinking about what the mother of Our Lord must have been like and what qualities she might have had.

I recommend this book highly. Don’t pass the opportunity to put this one into your library."
I recommend a little book by Alice von Hildebrand, The Privilege of Being a Woman. It isn’t a very long book but it talks about the unique gift of being a woman and about the Blessed Mother as the example!

I have a couple of books to recommend - first, ones I’ve read…
Apostolate of Holy Motherhood!
Mitten Strings for God
My monastery is a minivan

and ones I have YET to read but purchased on recommendation or been given as gifts…
Holiness for Housewives
Power of a Praying WOman
How to Change your Husband
"Tis a gift to be simple by Sorenson
PArenting with Grace by Popcak
Shedherding a CHild’s Heart
Spiritual Growth of Children by FOcus on Family
Mission of the CAtholic Family…saw this on EWTN
A Mother’s Rule of Life

Now I just have to read them all!!!
Thanks everyone for your suggestions!

I’ve read “The Proper Feeding and Caring of Husbands,” which was awesome! Very insightful and countercultural (in a good way). Beware, though, it might open your eyes to the disgraceful feminist ideas (small or huge) that women in this country hold that ruin their marriages.

I’m working on “The Power of a Praying Wife…” I’ll let you know how that is!

Thanks again,
Jess Hav
Pick up a book on St. Gianna. That’s on my list to do, and I am looking forward to reading it hopefully soon! She was a wife, doctor and mother in the 1940’s, I think, who lived out her vocation every day…and made the decision to give up her life to save her baby daughter’s. She was recently canonized by JP2 and is a model for Catholic women, especially wives and mothers, to follow.
I highly recommend reading the encyclical by Pope John Paul II Mulieris Dignitatem (On the Dignity and Vocation of Women.) Christopher West draws much of his inspiration from writings such as this. You can access the encyclical here:

Here’s a quote: “The moral and spiritual strength of a woman is joined to her awareness that God entrusts the human being to her in a special way. Of course, God entrusts every human being to each and every other human being. But this entrusting concerns women in a special way–precisely by reason of their femininity–and this in a particular way determines their vocation.”

The introduction seems a bit dry to me, but chapter five about Christ’s relationship with women is awesome. It can be a bit heavy to read, but it is truly a treasure worth digging into.
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