Being "visited" by someone who has died

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Has anyone had a similiar experience? My father passed away in July of '03, and several times since then I swear he came to me, in my dreams, on the way home from work, in church. I knew it was him because several times i could “smell” him, mostly by the aftershave he used.Once he even gave me a hug. Anyway, my partner’s church says “the dead know nothing and are dead…period.” Therefore they cannot “visit” us. What are your thoughts on this?
Yes. It does happen. Many dead people come back to visit. And it’s even speculated that some come back as part of their purgatory. And some people seem to live somewhere between the natural world and preternatural world. This is best seen in the lives of the Saints where they commonly encounter angels, devils, saints etc.
When Jesus died many holy people rose from their graves and were seen wandering the streets. The apostles believed in ghosts. These were dead peoples spirits wandering the earth. As with Jesus walking on the water to their boat.
It is condemned in holy scripture and by the Church to invoke, conjure up or try to contact the dead. So don’t seek it out.
Goodness no! I don’t try to “conjure” him up. Often times I know he is there and mostly it happens when I least expect it. I talk to him a lot. When I leave work I say “ok Dad, it’s you and me now. Get me home safely” as I have a 2 mile walk home. Sometimes weeks have gone by between “visits”. It is a comfort to me knowing that dad is around.But I would never do anything in the "black magic " vein.
My husband and I have been visited by our late daughter. She came in a dream to him and for me it was the middle of a bright sunny morning.

I was making a Halloween costume that was supposed to have been for her, but instead I was making it for a friend who missed her a lot. It was an emotional time. I did my best to make as I thought my daughter might like it – which kind of made me miss her all the more.

So, I was driving home and I kind of said, Claire, I hope you are smiling on this costume thing. I remember still driving down my street when she told me she loved me and we hugged. I could smell her hair and feel her bony back – it seemed so real – even though I was still lucid.

It has helped me many times to recall that moment.
Goodness no! I don’t try to “conjure” him up. Often times I know he is there and mostly it happens when I least expect it. I talk to him a lot. When I leave work I say “ok Dad, it’s you and me now. Get me home safely” as I have a 2 mile walk home. Sometimes weeks have gone by between “visits”. It is a comfort to me knowing that dad is around.But I would never do anything in the "black magic " vein.

Hi Kathy,
I wasn’t saying you do any black magic stuff. I don’t know you, and many people will read this. So I just point it out for the benefit of any who may need the info.It must be comforting for you to have him with you at times.
My father and I were like two peas in a pod. I am so much like him that it scares me. But it is very much a comfort knowing that I have him with me.And always it seems when he is most needed. I miss him like crazy, which is why I smile everytime I see the NY Yankee logo…those were pop’s boys.
My grandmother told me that she had a visit from my grandfather who came to say a last goodbye some time after his death. Both Sheldon Vanauken and C. S. Lewis experienced visits from their wives some time after their deaths. Vanauken calls it the Second Death; it was the final letting go. He describes this in the final chapters of A Severe Mercy.

Whether these are real visits or simply dreams cannot be said, but the experience is real.
When our father was dying, my late sister Mary came to me. I was at home, studying psychopathology for my masters in counseling program, when I asked her if Dad was dying. (I talk to her sometimes.) He’d had a stroke and wasn’t doing very well but the doctors didn’t say that he was actually dying. She answered me: “Yes, and I will be here when he comes.” I did not see her, nor was it her earthly voice but she was right beside me and somehow I heard her. It wasn’t inside my head, as if I’d imagined it…I thought at first I might be having an auditory hallucination (considering I was studying psychopathology at the time!) but I came to understand that God had given me a beautiful gift, to feel Mary’s presence in a very palpable way. That was on a Monday and Dad died on that Friday. It was a great comfort to our mother when I told her this story right after he died.

Mary has never appeared to me before or since that day. However, she was an awesome organist and I feel her presence with me many times when I play the piano for Mass (I, too, am a professional church musician), especially during funerals, when I play “On Eagle’s Wings”. She refused to program that for her funeral because she’d played it so many times at funerals, she was tired of it…and that was 17 years ago! I am STILL playing it for every funeral. I usually chuckle and say, “Here we go AGAIN, dear sister of mine!” I can imagine her laughing and rolling her eyes at me.

We receive wondrous gifts from God in so many unexpected ways, don’t we?

Yes, I had a friend die 3 years ago. She came to me twice in a dream. Once was right before her funeral mass and she was surround by children. I looked at her to come through the front door she came to the side door of the church. I told my son about this dream and the children surrounding her, he said Mom don’t you remember Cathy lost a little girl when she was 6 months pregnant. I realized Cathy was showing this little girl her church. Another time Cathy came in a dream. I asked her how she was feeling Cathy died from breast cancer. She said you don’t have to ask that question anymore. I have been healed. She hugged me, I held on so tight that when I woke up I was grabbing the sheets very tight. It was beautiful.
when I was 7 yrs old I woke my parents in the middle of the night about 2 am to tell them my grandaddy (living in another state) had come into my room and stood at the foot of the bed, he told me he loved me, to be a good girl, then disappeared. My mother got the call at breakfast time from her mother that her dad had a stroke the previous evening and died around 2 am.
I was vsited twice.

Once by my grandmother whom I was very close and she was also my godmother. I had arranged the funeral readings and the wake those days. At night, about 3 days after her death, when I was sleeping, she appeared to me as a very young girl (about 3) and she was luminescent. Light was around her and through her. She had the same face but much, much younger. She also had wisps of hair that the light made more shiny and she had a very white gown. She never talked to me nor did she touch me. I could feel her love so much and just before leaving, the light that surrounded her encompassed me. I was a tpeace as it is, but this peace of her (God’s?) was most prodound) It was an experience I have never forgotten…this was a bout 6 years ago, she was 92.

The next one was after my dad died. He died 3 years ago in May. I do not remember how long after his death though.

I was driving to get on the highway, when this van zoomed by and my dad was a passenger and he was looking at me. My eyes got bigger and I was stunned because this was in the full light of day. He kept looking at me as far as he could and so did I.

I had a good friend of mine about 11 years ago. My mother liked it when I brought my friends over to the house. My mother was a conversationalist.

When my mohter was in the hospital, my friend- John, whould pick me up to go and see my mother in the hospital. (These were times in addition to when my father would go as well.)

My mother died in November 1994. The next day my mother died, my friend John received a visit from her. John said that she came to him while he was driving and thanked him for being such a good friend to me and her. My friend told me right after it happened. He heard my mother and had to pull over to the side of the road to cry.
When my mother was sick my grand mother went and stood in front of the house in the night. My aunt(my fathers sister) saw her and fired her(she never seen her before), immediately my grand mother disappered and visited my mothers younger sister and explained her that my mother is sick and she went their to see her.
Over here in Ireland about 10 years ago, a little school-girl about 9 year old, used to be minded by a sitter sometimes.
Anyway the baby sitter was in a car accident, and sadly killed.
One day the girl told her mother that Heather had come to visit her, well the mother thought nothing much of it and thought it was her imagination.
The little girl, said that Heather appeared at the foot of her bed, and said I’ll soon come for you.
So one day the girl was going out to catch the school bus, and she kissed her mother goodbye, like it was the last time.
And it was, the girl was killed getting off the bus on her return home from school.
An old lady told me this story, I have no reason to doubth her, sad as it is.
I hasten to add that the girl was doting on Heather, so Love is really stronger than death !
Katie -

Two weeks to the day after my father died I had a dream in which he invited me to come with him, and I almost did. In a sort of out of body experience, I saw a ‘spirit-like’ form of myself emerging from my sleeping body only to realize that I was not ready to go yet. As soon as the spirit-body was fully reunited with my physical body, I woke with chills from head to toe. That was in 1983; though I think about (and pray for and with him) often, I have had only one other dream that involved him but not so much that I remember details as I do of the first (this second dream occurred within the past month or two). You are not alone, as the saying goes!

After typing my post, there was another dream I had about a girlfriend that I was with for many years. She died tragically in 1986 and it was a couple days after her death also. But these dreams are not so nice.

One dream had it that I went to visit her at the funeral home and she sat up quicly while I was at her casket, scaring the daylights out of me.

The second dream had to do with her coming to my house, her body half decayed already. I was petrified. :hmmm:

I helped raise her young teenage daughter after her death.
My father-in-law lived with us for four years until he passed away. He had numerous ailments, and frequently would brew herbal tea for himself. One night a few weeks after he’d died, my husband had just come home after working late, and I had just come downstairs after putting the kids to bed when we both noticed a strong odor of chamomile in the kitchen, as if some one had just brewed chamomile tea. My husband even remarked , “Oh, you made camomila.” (He’s Italian.) And I said no, I hadn’t, and we left it at that. A few years later, we moved to a new house. Not long afterwards, one day we noticed the same odor of chamomile in the kitchen–and this time I had no chamomile in the house at all. I can’t help but think that “Nonno” ( as we called my father-in-law) came to visit, and to check out our new house. It would have been so like him to do that.
Two weeks after my mom died (which was 5 weeks after my father died), I was sitting on the floor of my in-laws garage. I looked up and, as though through gauze, there were my parents, standing on the sidewalk out front. They were holding hands, both smiled and mom waved. Then they disappeared.
I hold this experience close to my heart.
When I was about 12 years old while I was playing ball against the garage my grandmother who had died a few years before suddenly appeared to me. She was standing next to the garage in a blue gown watching me play catch. She didn’t say anything, just smiled. I was shocked so I completely forgot about the ball and just stared at her. I eventually turned around to see where the ball went and when I turned back she was gone.
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