Believe it or not, this is a Novus Ordo

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no, it’s not. it is a bunch of priests violating the current GIRM. why don’t they just put on some skirts and dance around while they’re at it? what’s the difference? isn’t there something wrong with saying ‘wow, that’s the kind of abuse i like to see.’ not following instructions is not following instructions. when it comes to the celebration of the Mass, either do what you are told or do nothing.

i just don’t get it. why do people on these forums compete, one heterodoxy against another. does nobody listen to the vatican?
Thank you for posting this. ALthough our church isn’t nearly as beautiful as assumtion grotto we too have a very reverant Novus Ordo.
Let’s hope that the new liturgy that we have been hearing about is more faithful to the Latin rite and we can use this as a model. Bp Mahoney we have a game plan, move over.

no, it’s not. it is a bunch of priests violating the current GIRM. why don’t they just put on some skirts and dance around while they’re at it? what’s the difference? isn’t there something wrong with saying ‘wow, that’s the kind of abuse i like to see.’ not following instructions is not following instructions. when it comes to the celebration of the Mass, either do what you are told or do nothing.

i just don’t get it. why do people on these forums compete, one heterodoxy against another. does nobody listen to the vatican?
If you think that the Bishops of the U.S. listen to Rome your deaf too.
I hope you get better soon.

Tis’ a sad thing when priests are prohibited from saying the TLM.
Why the pastor of Assumption Grotto drives 90 miles to Toledo to say the TLM because Detroit bishops won’t allow him to.

And y’all say that the NO is reverent in its own accord. It can’t be reverent in of itself because that would require it to heavily borrow from the TLM.
no, it’s not. it is a bunch of priests violating the current GIRM. why don’t they just put on some skirts and dance around while they’re at it? what’s the difference? isn’t there something wrong with saying ‘wow, that’s the kind of abuse i like to see.’ not following instructions is not following instructions. when it comes to the celebration of the Mass, either do what you are told or do nothing.

i just don’t get it. why do people on these forums compete, one heterodoxy against another. does nobody listen to the vatican?
cite one abuse… what, the center of the altar rail was not closed? …or you can’t smell the incense? …or too many concelebrates? …

either you are having a bad day.,…, or you are not very up on the liturgy… or you viewed the wrong site,

Assumption Grotto is what all parishes should strive to be !!!
no, it’s not. it is a bunch of priests violating the current GIRM. why don’t they just put on some skirts and dance around while they’re at it? what’s the difference? isn’t there something wrong with saying ‘wow, that’s the kind of abuse i like to see.’ not following instructions is not following instructions. when it comes to the celebration of the Mass, either do what you are told or do nothing.

i just don’t get it. why do people on these forums compete, one heterodoxy against another. does nobody listen to the vatican?
Actually, there is nothing in these pictures that is against the current GIRM. In fact, since it is being celebrated Ad Orietem (facing away from the people) it is actually more in accord with the GIRM that Ad Populum, which is the exception)
How do they get away with celebrating the new Mass Ad Orientem? I thought that was forbidden by Church law?

“Most of the Mass was in English. Bishop David E. Foley of Birmingham officiated facing toward the congregation, after having decreed a month before the ceremony that Mass ad orientem (“toward the East” – with the priest facing the same direction as the people) is forbidden by Church law.”

Is the good bishop wrong or are the priests in Detroit wrong? :confused:
Send the priests, altar boys, deacons and the Church to Los Angeles, its way better then what we now have.

The Mass can be celebrated either way, facing or away.

Send the priests, altar boys, deacons and the Church to Los Angeles, its way better then what we now have.

The Mass can be celebrated either way, facing or away.

Ah, so the Bishop in Alabama was…lying?..misinformed?..just wanted to pull a power trip?..what? :confused:

I understand bishops can make rules for their diocese, but the article implied he was citing a “Church law.”
no, it’s not. it is a bunch of priests violating the current GIRM. why don’t they just put on some skirts and dance around while they’re at it? what’s the difference? isn’t there something wrong with saying ‘wow, that’s the kind of abuse i like to see.’ not following instructions is not following instructions. when it comes to the celebration of the Mass, either do what you are told or do nothing.

i just don’t get it. why do people on these forums compete, one heterodoxy against another. does nobody listen to the vatican?
I’m a little confused here. Is it a “Novus Ordo” Mass. What exactly is wrong with it? I think there might be a misunderstanding about how the priest must face. Fr. Fessio is an authority in this area, very much in union with Rome, not for rad-Trads, etc. Here’s a piece he wrote:
He’s not allowed to say the TLM when there’s a church (St. Josaphat) right there that offers it? Thats strange. The priests, especially Fr. Kosnac have all been pretty good so far (in my opinion) though they sure have enough of them for 1 church (I’ve seen 4 different priests and 2 bishops say it so far…maybe thats why).

Back on topic, those are lovely pictures and from what I’ve heard the priest is well liked. Maybe they need more like him saying the 1970 Mass. A couple more like him and we could have a movement on our hands 😃 .
He’s not allowed to say the TLM when there’s a church (St. Josaphat) right there that offers it? Thats strange. The priests, especially Fr. Kosnac have all been pretty good so far (in my opinion) though they sure have enough of them for 1 church (I’ve seen 4 different priests and 2 bishops say it so far…maybe thats why).

Back on topic, those are lovely pictures and from what I’ve heard the priest is well liked. Maybe they need more like him saying the 1970 Mass. A couple more like him and we could have a movement on our hands 😃 .
Deo Gratias!
It’s good to have priests so devoted as Fr.Kosnac and Fr.Seitz[last week celebrant, German priest]. Also Deo Gratias they didn’t send us bp. GUmbellton.
Dr. Bombay:
Ah, so the Bishop in Alabama was…lying?..misinformed?..just wanted to pull a power trip?..what? :confused:

I understand bishops can make rules for their diocese, but the article implied he was citing a “Church law.”
paragraph 158 in the GIRM.
158 Next, facing the altar, the priest says inaudibly: May the body of Christ bring me to everlasting life, and reverently consumes the body of Christ. Then he takes the chalice, saying inaudibly: May the blood of Christ bring me to everlasting life, and reverently drinks the blood of Christ.
Dr. Bombay:
How do they get away with celebrating the new Mass Ad Orientem? I thought that was forbidden by Church law?

“Most of the Mass was in English. Bishop David E. Foley of Birmingham officiated facing toward the congregation, after having decreed a month before the ceremony that Mass ad orientem (“toward the East” – with the priest facing the same direction as the people) is forbidden by Church law.”

Is the good bishop wrong or are the priests in Detroit wrong? :confused:
The report wasn’t cited wasn’t official. Anyhow, the issue has been settled by the CDWS:

By the by, has anyone been able to proffer abuses from the GIRM, because I really don’t see any.
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