Bent Crucifix

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Is there any kind of Symbolism in Crucifix’s that have their arms slightly bent?
There are some anti-Catholics out there who would like us to believe that it is an ancient Satanic symbol. The claim is based on suppossed eighth century Satanic practices based on suppossed ancient Egyptian symbols. Funny thing is, is that this claim was unheard of until shortly after Pope John Paul II took up his distinctive crozier. It’s obviously a bogus, but oportunistic, claim.
Yeah then there’s the retarded claim that the upside down cross on the back of the papal chair he sat on when he visited Israel a few years back is undeniable proof he worships satan. WHATEVER! :rolleyes:
These bent-arm crosses are usually shown as untrimmed tree boughs complete with bark and knots. That makes “bending” more natural than it would be with a sawn beam. I have always thought (and this is my personal view only) that the bent arms of the cross showed that the weight of sin borne by Our Lord was so great that the arms of the cross bent under the weight.
Yeah then there’s the retarded claim that the upside down cross on the back of the papal chair he sat on when he visited Israel a few years back is undeniable proof he worships satan. WHATEVER! :rolleyes:
That has to do with St. Peter who was crucified upside down.
I know that and you know that but some of those Fundamenalist Evangelicals jump to conclusions and say he’s a Devil worshipper without even bothering to try and find out what it really means cuz they hate us so much.
I have always thought (and this is my personal view only) that the bent arms of the cross showed that the weight of sin borne by Our Lord was so great that the arms of the cross bent under the weight.
That’s a very provocative and enlightening interpretation. Thanks. 🙂
I can see some of the propaganda from, and some Baptist web sites have clouded your reason or caused undue alarm.

The bent crucifix is just art. Some like it and some don’t. Some artists make Jesus look like a white anglo saxon protestant american and others trie to make Him look more realistic. (i.e. Hebrew and Middle Eastern with long hair and a beard.)

The upside-down cross is symbolic of St. Peter who chose to be crucified upsidedown rather then like Jesus. Since the Pope sits in the ‘chair’ of St. Peter (authority like the ‘keys’ in Scripture), the chair has a symbol of St. Peter (i.e. Kephas).

Don’t believe what you read at web sites with lies and hate and bigotry like those that spew out anti-Catholic garbage. The truth is easier to believe then their lies and the truth is a beutifull thing too.

Say a prayer for St. Kephas, he died for our Faith and deserves us to remember him in our prayers.:love: The good thing about Catholics is that we are still allowed to pray for our dearly departed and to remember their acts for us and for God. Never forget them like many of our brothers and sisters have done.
The “bent” cross used by Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II is an original artistic creation of an Italian artist by the name of Lello Scorzelli. Mr. Scorzelli was born in 1921 so I think it is a far bet that his original artwork was not adopted by Satanists in the 6th Century as some anti-Catholics suggest. I could be wrong though. 😉

Bro. Ignatius Mary
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