Best Books for Evangelisation

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What do you think are the best or most appropriate books about the Catholic faith to give to a close friend who worships in the Evangelical Christian tradition? This friend of mine (and her family) is a former Catholic, although for most of her life she has been away from the Church. She’s now in her mid-twenties, and while I have often discussed issues of Catholicism with her and her father, neither of them have ever attempted to force their particular beliefs on me. So while I’d consider them to be Fundamentalists in many ways, I would not say that they are as “fanatical” as we may often consider Fundamentalists to be. Unfortunately I know that she has many misconceptions about Catholicism which I need not go into here, but I would like her to see the real “picture”.

I don’t have many books for the purpose of evangelisation, and while I want some titles which explain the faith, I don’t want to give her one that would seem too “heavy handed”. I personally think Mr Keating’s “Catholicism & Fundamentalism” is excellent, and I have learned so much from it, but how would you rate it as a “starter” book? I have also considered accounts of conversion - I think that Dr Hahn’s “Rome Sweet Home” is probably the best known of these, but I have heard some reviews which say that it’s a bit too emotive…

So, any suggestions will be gratefully received… especially if you’ve had a particularly special experience after you (or someone else) having read such a book. If you know of a book which has converted someone - or set them on the road to conversion - I want to hear from you! Many Thanks.
David Currie’s “Born Fundamentalist, Born Again Catholic” might be a better book to give your friend for starters. It’s slimmer and is geared specifically toward non-Catholics (the author wrote it as an explanation to his Evangelical and Fundamentalist friends about why he became Catholic). Keating’s book is written specifically for a Catholic audience and is also less recent than Currie’s. Then again, if you say that your friend is an ex-Catholic, maybe Keating’s book is exactly what is needed.
It is not a book. It is a CD series called “The End” by Scott Hahn that is an in depth study of the Apocalypse. Extremely good for evangelization of Protestants because it gives them a awesome understanding of the book that ties in the Mass, the Sacraments, Mary, etc in a very interesting way while not in any way in your face or confrontational. A must hear!
i recently read patrick madrid’s search & rescue book. this book is more for you to read tho in your efforts to evangelize.
Thanks for your suggestions - I’ll bear them all in mind! I was in a Catholic bookshop a few days ago, and amongst several other (no doubt, excellent) books I saw Currie’s book, so I bought it. I am about fifty pages into it now, and his perspective is very interesting. I think I might just give this book to my friend as a bit of Summer reading! As I said, though, I will be considering all suggestions, so further ideas are most welcome! Thanks.
“Surprised by Truth” by Patrick Madrid is also very good.
Are there any particular Catholic beliefs that your Fundamentalist friend has difficulty with? There are lots of books written about specific issues like Mary, the Eucharist, the papacy, etc., many of them by former Evangelicals or Fundamentalists.
I really like Catholic and Christian by Alan Schreck. I’ve lost count of how many copies of this I’ve given away. He addresses all the “usual suspects” and his approach is very much “explanation” rather than “confrontation.”

I see that there is a revised edition (2004) - I’ll have to check it out.
Loitering with Intent: My adventures in Catholic Evangilization, by Vincent Cacace
Jeremiah Press
Boca Raton, FL
ISBN: 1-883520-18-5

A wonderful and easy read! This guy, a personal friend, is an everyday, on the street, talking to real people evangelist who, with the aid of the Holy Ghost, has helped hundreds of people to understand God and His bride, the Holy Catholic Church!
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