Best Merton book NOT Seven Story Mountain

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I have read Seven Story šŸ˜ƒ

Please list maybe two in the following fashion (with 1 being your first choice, obviously):
  1. such and such
  2. such and such
Over to you. :cool:
Where to begin!!! as it happens, Iā€™m making my way through his journals now but in addition to any of those already mentioned, Iā€™d recommend The Sign of Jonas but really, youā€™re spoiled for choice.
What you say may be true and I belive Merton himself had the same sentiments, but as for myself, if I had not read it first of the multiple books or collection of his writtings, I have read, I feel I would not have even given them the chance to be read.
It helped to make mewant to learn more about the man and be open to his ideas and thoughts.

Maybe not his best but a must early read of Merton.
  1. Seeds of Contemplation
  2. The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton
The only two I have read šŸ™‚ But I intend to read more (I have Wisdom of the Desert)

Iā€™d like to read more of his stuff dealing with Asia, as well.
  1. The Inner Experience
  2. New Seeds of Contemplation
Best audio (so far since I have not listened to all of them){

Your Search for Meaning (Recorded February 11th and 13th, 1968).
ā€œMornings with Thomas Mertonā€ I keep it on the kitchen table where I have morning coffee and prayers. And ā€œwisdom of the Desertā€ on my kindle that I take everywhere.
  1. New Seeds of Contemplation
  2. Contemplation in a World of Action
I should also note that, as a historian of religious life, I really like his book Waters of Siloe and Sign of Jonas.
Thoughts in Solitude and The Sign of Jonahā€¦ I love Merton and have been spent some time at two Trappist Monasteriesā€¦
Wondering which two, hermitsong?

Iā€™ve been to Gethsemani and Genesee and have found both to be quite awesome. Genesee is much closer to where I live, so I go there more often. They are currently doing a renovation of their beautiful stone church up there. Should be done soon.

Merton is amazing.
I visited Geneseeā€¦and spent a month there as an observerā€¦and Mepkin in South Carolinaā€¦but I really loved Geneseeā€¦its like home to meā€¦I would love to visit a Carthusian Monastery but there an none close to me and I think they except only people who are going to join permanentlyā€¦
Iā€™ve read a lot of Mertonā€™s books ā€“ there are a lot of great ones ā€“ but the one Iā€™ve read over and over again is New Seeds of Contemplation.
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