Best Study Bible

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I want to get back into reading the Bible, but I don;t want to just read, i want to learna nd grow and I need help in applying Gods word to my life. Does anyone know any commentaries or study Bibles that are approved and solid ofr this type of thing?

You could always go with the Navarre Study Bible or the Ignatious Study Bible.

If you’re looking for on-line stuff try Scott Hahn’s Bible Studys at The other one to check out would be the one by Jeff Cavins. I believe it’s called The Great Adventure Bible Study.
The USCCB has a commentary that follows the NAB version here. It includes in the commentary stuff from recent scholars and theologians. Some traditionalists don’t like it. I think its OK:

If you prefer a more traditional commentary, you might like Haydock’s. This online New Testment (only) commentary follows the Douay-Rheims version. It is very comprehensive, giving a line by line anaylsis:

By the way, is there an Haydock’s commentary on the Old Testament? Anyone know?

There’s also the Navarre commentary. It’s expensive though, but appears quite comprehensive (excepting the condensed version).

I am currently reading Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture. It covers the OT and NT in chronological, sometimes not actual, order. It also sometimes mixes different bibles of the book. It’s based on the Douay-Rheims and is written for older children–but not limited to them. It’s a good start for a bible beginner, and you can buy it here:

This book is a very thorough analysis, for the more Scripturally educated. I’m probably going to go through this book next. It’s called Introduction to the Bible:

Father Lukefahr has a free correspondence course here, called A Catholic Guide to the Bible. I took this one. It’s pretty easy, a good overview. Plus, you get a certificate when you’ve completed it. 😃

This is an interesting bible study offered by St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church. They do studies of Scripture on Sundays and on Holy days during the week. This is a link to the January calendar, and you can navigate the rest of the year to come from here. You’ll see a link on Sundays to “Bible Study” and on some Holy Days. They appear to study the scripture readings offered for that day. I haven’t gone through these yet, but they appear quite good. Might be something interesting for you. They also give very comprehensive Saint biographies, linked in blue. The studies download in a pdf file (Adobe Acrobat).

New Advent offers an online bible with a short summary of each book. They don’t offer commentary, but do provide line-by-line Latin translation. Kinda neat!:

Catholic Scripture Study (some free sample lessons). Might by affiliated with Scott Hahn, which is good:

Here are some online courses. Have to pay though:

And more online courses. Notice they have a good variety:

God bless!
This one’s also good. It’s an online Douay-Rheims bible with commentary highlighted in red. One word of caution: if you dig deep enough in the site you’ll find a link to SSPX. If you just stick with the Bible section, you’ll be fine.

I know it sound’s like I’m promoting the Douay-Rheims. I’m not necessarily. Though I think it’s a great bible–it really is—I find it hard to read only because I get the pronouns Thee, Thine, Thy, and Thou all mixed up–and get confused about who is talking, who is listening, who is being addressed, etc. HA!. I prefer the New American Bible. It’s written in Modern English and it uses modern pronouns like you, me, I, he, she, etc …

You gotta read a bible you can understand, you know?

And for an even easier version, you might take a look at the New American Standard Bible. It’s really easy to read–almost too easy.

So whatever bible you choose to study, make sure it’s one you can read easily. If you’re doing an in-depth analysis, you might also consider ordering one in normal 12 pt font. My NAB is probably 5 or 6 point, and it gets tough on the eyes after a bit.

PS. I posted these past my bedtiime, and noticed several typos in my previous reply that are too late to edit out. HA! Oh well. Time for bed now.

Night! Don’t let the bed bugs bite!
Yes, the Haydock Old Testament is also available.
Both Testaments are available for $88.50 from

The Haydock is the best Catholic study bible I’ve seen so far.

If you’re looking for on-line stuff try Scott Hahn’s Bible Studys at The other one to check out would be the one by Jeff Cavins. I believe it’s called The Great Adventure Bible Study
I couldn’t find Cavin’s Bible Study at the link listed above, but I did find a link to it here, and also courses from Scott Hahn:

And thanks for the link to the Haydock’s Old and New Testament bibles. I may just buy those. Good price. I just wish the Haydock’s accompanied the NAB version. HA! Oh well. It’s not a perfect world.

I have a Douay’s already, but it only has footnotes, like most bibles.

I guess I’ll have to learn to differentiate between those “T” pronouns. HA!
I want to get back into reading the Bible, but I don;t want to just read, i want to learna nd grow and I need help in applying Gods word to my life. Does anyone know any commentaries or study Bibles that are approved and solid ofr this type of thing?

other advice is great if you want an advanced study, but if you are looking for help in relating Gospel message to your own life, the Emmaus Road bible studies are great, links on… The daily devotional from Word Among Us, based on the daily lectionary readings, is a great low cost way to start. These materials are completely orthodox and very helpful for someone who doesn’t want a college theology course in bible history, but practical ways to read and pray with scripture.
Along the same lines of asquared’s reply, this is a link to Father Robert Altier’s homilies, even those for Daily Mass. He is a very gifted young pastor. He is the Pastoral Associate at St. Agnes, [which (I think) is affiliated with FSSP, if I’m not mistaken]. I’ve read many of his homilies and they seem both orthodox, scripturally relevant and applicable to real life:

Click on the calendar for the desired homily.

He’s so good that I even printed out all of his homilies for 2005 and stuck them in a ring binder for future reference.
Right now the aforementioned Navarre Study Bibles are the best around. They are a combination study/devotional resourse. They are only available right now in multiple volumes, so to have a whole set is kind of pricey. I understand the plan is to condense the series into a single Bible in the near future. I’m sure a lot of good material will have to be sacrificed, but it’ll be nice to have a good Catholic study Bible between just two covers.

Kind of the same thing with the Ignatius Study Bible that is being released a book at a time. This one is less expensive, but it is also smaller and further a way from completion (most of the New Testament is done). I am guessing they’ll soon be releasing the complete New Testament in the near future. When the whole ISB is completed, in my opinion it will be THE Catholic study Bible for the average Catholic to have.

For more info on other resources out there, I humbly suggest you visit my webpage, linked below.

You could always go with the Navarre Study Bible or the Ignatious Study Bible.

If you’re looking for on-line stuff try Scott Hahn’s Bible Studys at The other one to check out would be the one by Jeff Cavins. I believe it’s called The Great Adventure Bible Study.
Not to side-track the thread but I’ve got to say that I adore Scott Hahn!!! All his books that I’ve read are absolutely wonderful. I can’t help but smile when I see a post by someone who is recommending anything by him. 🙂
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