Some people will hit you , or your faith rather, right away in what they sense to be its weakest point. For instance, with Muslims they’re “hit” right away on the terrorism issue. Let’s face it, there’s a problem there. No one, non-Muslim or Muslim for that matter, can reasonably deny that. For us, we’re oftentime hit with the abuse scandal(s) issue. I had a friend / acquaintance of mine recently say to me , " Well the Catholic Church is actually more of an ongoing criminal enterprise as opposed to a Church." He’s a totally non-religious guy, granted, says he’s against organized religion, but he did tell me before that he was baptized Lutheran I believe. He asked me how I could defend belonging to and donating weekly to a church that harbors offenders such as we have seen amongst some priests in the recent days. I really didn’t know what to say. The , " It’s just a minority of priests giving them all a bad name " , kind of argument really didn’t get me very far. “It reached nearly all the way to the top,” he retorted. “How come the Pope harbored Cardinal Law from Boston in Vatican City until he passed away??” So, I was getting knocked every which way and didn’t really have any valid or new defense. It’s true. Things look , well, quite wrong about so very much of this whole thing. And especially as new cases crop up , as they now are in Ireland I’ve heard.