Beware! "Apologia" is Rabidly Anti - Semite

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The owner of Apologia summed up her mission this way:

My agenda isn’t hidden. Among other things, I want to expose Judeo-Masonry and warn Catholics that there are reasons Catholic culture has been destroyed, that things are getting worse, and that if they are not aware of what is going on, they will be worshipping the antichrist who will sit in Jerusalem one day.

Go to

and check out the following threads on the General News, Politics, & Social Issues Forum
  • The Diary of Anne Frank Hoax?
  • Diary of Anne Frank a Hoax is gone
  • Giving Chutzpah New Meaning
Yes folks, there is more. Same place, just different threads:
  • Leonardo, France, Catholics, & Jews: A Thought
  • A really convoluted tale
So consider yourselves warned. People with hidden agendas are dangerous: What appears to be a website for faith is a website for hate.

Ah but there is more:
  • Toward Tradition: A really convoluted tale II
  • Dual-loyalty bias worries US Jews
  • Daniel Pipes and Israeli Spies
And yet more Anti Jewish musings from the same place:
  • Bishops lured into Shoah Business
  • Talmudists and Bishops together convert Catholic children into Noahides
So consider yourselves warned. People with hidden agendas are dangerous: What appears to be a website for faith is a website for hate.
Quotes from the owner of the site:

"their small numbers (Jews) make their very obvious power that more uncanny. Find out who owns what in this country. Start with the movie studios, then try the television networks, then the newspapers and publishing houses. Then move on to sports and find out who’s the commissioner of what. Then look into banking and the Fed, and move on to the President’s advisers (while you’re looking at the political angle, check out the lobbyists – and the spies, too). An excerpt from an article by Israel Shamir, a Hebrew who refuses to call himself a “Jew” any longer:

The overwhelming majority of Jews in America live their lives just like any other Americans. They’ve done well and are undoubtedly pleased that America supports their fellow Jews in Israel but that’s as far as it goes. Nonetheless, an awful lot of Jews certainly do control an awful lot of America – not the industrial muscle of America - the steel, transport, etc., nor the oil and arms industries, those traditional money-spinners. No, if Jews have influence anywhere in America, it’s not over its muscle and sinew but over its blood and its brain. It is in finance and the media that we find a great many Jews in very influential positions. Lists abound (though you have to go to some pretty unpopular websites to find them) of Jews, prominent in financial and cultural life: Jews in banks; Jews in Forbes Magazine’s Richest Americans; Jews in Hollywood; Jews in TV; Jewish journalists, writers, critics, etc., etc.

Nor have Jews been slow in exploiting their position. Jews have not hesitated to use whatever resources they have to advance their interests as they see them. Nor does one need to subscribe to any conspiracy theory to note how natural it is for Jews in the media to promote Jews and their values as positive and worthy of emulation. When did anyone last see a Jew portrayed in anything other than a favourable light? Jews are clever, moral, interesting, intense, warm, witty, complex, ethical, contradictory, prophetic, infuriating, sometimes irritating, but always utterly engaging. Nor is it any wonder that Jews in influential positions are inclined to promote what they see as Jewish collective interests. Is it really all that incredible that Jewish advisers around the Presidency bear Israel’s interests at heart when they advise the President on foreign affairs?

But so what? So there are a lot of Jews with a lot of money, and a lot of Jews with a lot to say and the means to say it. If Jews by virtue of their ability and use of resources (as honestly gained as by anyone else) promote what they perceive as their own collective interest, what’s wrong with that? First, with some notable exceptions, the vast majority of Jews can, in good faith, lay hands on hearts and swear that they never take decisions or actions with collective Jewish interests in mind, certainly not consciously. And even if they did, they are acting no differently from anyone else. With a few exceptions, Jews have earned their advantageous positions. They came with nothing, played according to the rules and, if they use their influence to further what they perceive as Jewish interests, what’s so special about that? Do not the Poles, the Ukrainians, the Gun lobby, the Christian Evangelicals also not work to further their group interests?

The difference between Jews and other groups is that they probably do it better. Jews are, by pretty well any criteria, easily the most successful ethnic group in America and, for whatever reason, have been extraordinarily successful in promoting themselves both individually and collectively. And there would probably be nothing wrong with this were it not for the fact that these same people who exert so much control and influence over American life also seem to refuse to be held accountable. It is the surreptitiousness with which Jews are perceived to have achieved their success which arouses suspicion. Jews certainly seem cagey about the influence they have. Just breathe the words “Jewish power” and wait for the reaction. They claim it’s because this charge has so often been used as a precursor to discrimination and violence against them, but never consider the possibility that their own reluctance to discuss the power they wield arouses suspicion and even hostility."
The little I read seemed anti semetic, but I didn’t read any article in depth.
Similar? I don’t think so. She is promoting the garbage, I am against it.
Similar? I DO think so. I didn’t mean the owner’s own post was similar to yours. Instead, I meant the post the owner was talking about was similar to yours. Look at the format, subject, and content of the post the owner of that website was addressing, and then look at the format, subject, and content of the post you made. It’s obvious.

Anyway, I’m not defending that website, or taking sides with either of you. There’s no reason for me to. I just thought it was strange that every post you’ve made was about how horrible some website was, so I clicked on the link you gave, and told you what I saw–a pinned thread that referenced a post that almost mirrored yours. It’s as simple as that.
sea oat:
Similar? I DO think so. Look at the format, subject, and content of the post the owner of that website was addressing, and then look at the format, subject, and content of the post you made. It’s obvious.

Anyway, I’m not defending that website, or taking sides with either of you. There’s no reason for me to. I just thought it was strange that every post you’ve made was about how horrible some website was, so I clicked on the link you gave, and told you what I saw–a pinned thread that referenced a post that almost mirrored yours. It’s as simple as that.
I am not actually taking sides with or against either of you.🙂 I had only barely skimmed the above sites. I could be completly wrong. It seemed antiSemetic but I haven’t previewed it in any depth.
I am not actually taking sides with or against either of you. I had only barely skimmed the above sites. I could be completly wrong. It seemed antiSemetic but I haven’t previewed it in any depth.
Oh yeah, I completely agree with you, actually. That site might, or might not be anti-semitic…I don’t know. I didn’t read it in depth, either. Sorry if the wording of my last post seemed like it was directed toward you in any way!

I was trying to tell RomanC that I wasn’t trying to take sides with either that website, or with her when I mentioned that the apologia site had a pinned-thread about this whole thing. Although in retrospect, maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned anything at all. What goes on between RomanC and that website is none of my business.
sea oat:
What goes on between RomanC and that website is none of my business.
Nothing is going on between me and the Apologia Forum; I no longer post there. But the unfortunate fact that they are anti-Semitic is everybody’s business and especially pertinent to Catholics since Apologia masquerades as a Catholic site.
Nothing is going on between me and the Apologia Forum; I no longer post there. But the unfortunate fact that they are anti-Semitic is everybody’s business and especially pertinent to Catholics since Apologia masquerades as a Catholic site.
RomanC, I still don’t have a stance on the website, but I reread what I posted earlier, and I want to apologize for getting snippy with you.

best wishes,
sea oat
sea oat:
RomanC, I still don’t have a stance on the website, but I reread what I posted earlier, and I want to apologize for getting snippy with you.

best wishes,
sea oat
No problem sea oat, your responses have kept the thread on the first page, which is what I was hoping for; the more people I get to warn about the Apologia site the better. Thank you and God bless.
I want to share a joke with all of you that was shared with me by my friend, Aaron. Aaron’s family, a Jewish family, and mine, Italian Catholics, were all victims of the Holocost.

It is 1933 Berlin. Two older, Jewish men are sitting on a park bench. One is reading the Jewish Community Newspaper, which is filled with dire predictions and warnings and arguments on whether to flee or not. The other is reading the Nazi Party Newspaper.

The man reading the Jewish paper turns to his friend and asks, “How can you read that garbage?”.

“Simple”, he shrugged. “If I read our paper I read nothing but sadness, fear and depression. If I read their paper I get to read about how powerful we are and how we rule the world!”.

This Wednesday night my Parish in Modesto is hosting a one man play about St. Maximilian Kolbe. I cannot WAIT to see it.

And I think it is so sad about Apologia. To connect the Holy Mother Church with paranoid, garbage does a disservice to the communion of saints and sinners that makes up our population. Let’s pray for her, that she learn the value of being an obedient daughter of the Church.
sea oat:
RomanC, I still don’t have a stance on the website
I was locked out of the forum after I announced to the owner that I will be posting warnings on various Catholic sites about Apologia’s anti Jewish stance. But I had a chance to check out what you were talking about yesterday and yes you were correct, it is almost like my post. This is a type of damage control to acknowledge something questionable as if it was an acceptable thing. By posting all the same links, she bet on the fact that most people would in fact not bother to read them. After all if she offered them for scrutiny many people would just assume that the content could not be THAT bad. Well they are bad. Very bad.
I was locked out of the forum after I announced to the owner that I will be posting warnings on various Catholic sites about Apologia’s anti Jewish stance. But I had a chance to check out what you were talking about yesterday and yes you were correct, it is almost like my post. This is a type of damage control to acknowledge something questionable as if it was an acceptable thing. By posting all the same links, she bet on the fact that most people would in fact not bother to read them. After all if she offered them for scrutiny many people would just assume that the content could not be THAT bad. Well they are bad. Very bad.
Ah, ok. I see.

Thanks for the explanation!
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