Beware of Flamers

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I hope that I am in the right thread here.

I subscribed to a site on Facebook called “Catholic Answers” thinking that it was an accompaniment to this site. Was I ever WRONG!!!

The Catholic Answers site on Facebook is a sight for flaming Catholics! I tried defending Catholicism on the Facebook site and was told by one of the moderators, “This is not a Catholic love-fest site, and if I don’t like it – get off!” So I did. I also blocked the members on that site who were still sending me mean posts.

This is just a heads-up for anyone from here who tries to post in Facebook’s site of Catholic Answers.
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I’ve tried reporting that group multiple times to Facebook as impersonating another, but it always gets ignored.
I think I found the FaceBook page you are talking about, their about section has this in it.
We have one rule: Because all liars will have their part in the lake of fire (Rev 21:8), so, If a Roman Catholic decides to make the false claim that there are “x number of denominations”, they will be required to name them all, by name. Non repeating by country.

If the offender fails to do so, they have 3 options.

a) be removed from the page
b) repent of their lie publicly on the page.
c) or name the denominations they claim.
What a weird rule.
What a weird rule.
Just had a look myself. It seems weird indeed. So if you say, “There are five denominations”, you have to say, “Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, Methodist, Quaker, Baptist”. And then you’re not a liar. You would be inaccurate, because there are more than five denominations, but you would not be lying (unless you knew this statement to be false). What puzzles me is why anybody would go on Facebook trying to calculate the precise number of Christian denominations, which is surely a virtually impossible task. Very strange indeed.
A person who constantly starts fights on forums or message boards. Usually with many vilgar statements, and outright lies.


A person who deliberately makes inflammitory or slanderous posts on internet message boards for the purpose of starting a flame war.
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It appears that the fox is guarding the hen house. They don’t want real discussion. They just want to flame. It is quite obvious that they have zero understanding of Catholicism.
Welcome to Catholic Answers!

The Facebook group has no interest in saving souls. Just flaming.
I think I found the FaceBook page you are talking about, their about section has this in it.
We have one rule: Because all liars will have their part in the lake of fire (Rev 21:8), so, If a Roman Catholic decides to make the false claim that there are “x number of denominations”, they will be required to name them all, by name. Non repeating by country.

If the offender fails to do so, they have 3 options.

a) be removed from the page
b) repent of their lie publicly on the page.
c) or name the denominations they claim.
It sounds to me like they’re tired of hearing the meme that “there are 33,000 denominations of Christians worldwide”…
Catholic Answers itself would have to report it, preferably with some kind of legal threat, before Facebook would pay attention.
Do we have to mass report them to CAF, so they know to shut them down… sometimes busy websites need a lot of people for them to notice a problem?
I’m not sure where to file a complaint on Facebook. I doubt that Facebook would do anything. My only concern was that people were given the heads-up about Facebook’s Catholic Answers site. Maybe others would assume that it is associated with our Catholic Answers site have have the bad experience I had.
I subscribed to a site on Facebook called “Catholic Answers” thinking that it was an accompaniment to this site. Was I ever WRONG!!!
There is a “Catholic Answers” account on FB, though: Redirecting...

The one you’re talking about is a private group, and their mission statement explicitly IDs them as “a forum of Christians, designed to shine light on the teachings of Roman Catholicism and compare their teachings to what God’s Word really says and provide them biblical answers.”
A person who constantly starts fights on forums or message boards. Usually with many vilgar statements, and outright lies.


A person who deliberately makes inflammitory or slanderous posts on internet message boards for the purpose of starting a flame war.
Thanks. I guess at 72 I miss out on some newer expressions.
What a weird rule.
It’s not weird, it’s calculated. Very few people would be willing to take the time to write it out. It’s a way they shut down discussion without actually having to engage their brains and answer the real problems with their belief structures. It’s basically a built-in Tu Quoque fallacy.
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