Bible for Catholics?

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What is the Best Bible Translation that fits the Catholic Church or widely used by Catholics in the Church documents?

What can you suggest coz im planning to buy one.
viktor aleksndr:
What is the Best Bible Translation that fits the Catholic Church or widely used by Catholics in the Church documents?

What can you suggest coz im planning to buy one.
I like the RSV-CE aka The Ingatius Bible. The only downfall is it is not spaced like the NAB and it has no commentaries. For commentaries I like the Haydock Douay-Rheims Bible, but it’s $100!!! Also some of the commentaries are outdated such as saying the works mentioned by St. Paul in Romans refers to the Mosaic Law (but the council of Trent never stated that when they brought up that letter against the reformers.) Also it is in Old English, making it hard to read, unless you like Shakespeare.
I too am a fan of the RSV-CE. Stay away from the NRSV, New Jerusalem Bible and some versions of the New American Bible especially those that state that they have revised Psalms or revised New Testament. The problems with the three mentioned include inclusive or feminist language. Some of the commentaries provided by the New American Bible deemphasize the miraculous. I can provide one or two examples if necessary.

If you are only going to buy one bible at the present time, there is a RSV-CE put out by Navarre that is in single volume. This may be the New Testament only. I don’t have this one but do have the more exhaustive set and the commentaries are faithful offering both apologetic and spiritual value. I have the Haydock Douay Bible as well and like it too. Out of the bibles I own, my least favorite is an edition called “The Way”. It is supposed to be written in a very modern format. For example, when the Angel Gabriel visits our Blessed Mother, he does not say “Hail Full of Grace” or “Highly favored daughter” (don’t care much for that translation either) but says “Congratulations, favored lady!”. :eek: I thought the next line was going to be that she won a brand new car or a yacht. I have but don’t use New American Bible either but it is better than The Way.

Another option would be to purchase the RSV-CE in one volume and purchase a commentary. I understand that TAN offers a commentary entitled A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture at a price of around $30.00.
I agree. The Scott Hahn Ignatius Study Bibles are the pinnacle of commentary. I used to be a fan of Navarre…but I got weary of the commentaries simply cause they arent in depth enough and fail to connect history the way Scott does…they also give me the impression I aint owed any explanations of things…just a “this is what the Church proclaims and “anathema” to all who say otherwise” attitude I pick up from them… Mr Hahn has a much better grasp of history and expalins things TO YOU, not preaches AT YOU. On that note…Navarre is a distant second.
One more vote for the RSV-CE (Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition) also known as the Ignatius Bible. One caveat however, while the translation is wonderful, the bible itself is not of the best quality. It is printed like a low quality paperback. I have a copy, but if they were to ever release a version truly fit for the Word of God, I would be the first in line to buy another.

The New American Bible (NAB) is also a favorite of mine. While the translation is not as good, there are footnotes, and it is a beautiful Bible.

Finally, you cannot go wrong with the Douay-Rheims translation.

Ignatius Bible:

My version of the NAB:

I hope that the links work.
Thank you for bringing up the Ignatius Study Bible with commentaries by Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch. I certainly admire this edition with its commentaries and footnotes coming from the various “senses” of scripture. I especially like the various word studies . You can’t go wrong with this Bible. So far I have only the four gospels. I am waiting to see if it will be put into one or more larger volumes.

As far as the Navarre is concerned, I don’t get the impression that the Navarre is preaching at me. Maybe I have not read enough of it. I think it has a good mix of apologetic and spiritual value for the everyday reader quoting the Church Fathers, Councils, and spiritual giants in the Church.
One more vote for the RSV-CE (Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition) also known as the Ignatius Bible. One caveat however, while the translation is wonderful, the bible itself is not of the best quality. It is printed like a low quality paperback. I have a copy, but if they were to ever release a version truly fit for the Word of God, I would be the first in line to buy another.

The New American Bible (NAB) is also a favorite of mine. While the translation is not as good, there are footnotes, and it is a beautiful Bible.

Finally, you cannot go wrong with the Douay-Rheims translation.

Ignatius Bible:

My version of the NAB:

I hope that the links work.
My RSV-CE is simply gorgeous. It really is fitting for the Word of God. However it came with a hefty price. Here’s the link:

Quite expensive, but makes a wonderful gift! (That’s how I got it.)
NAB is the official lectionary translation for American Churches.

RSV-CE is the translation used in the English Edition of The Catechism of the Catholic Church.
how about the New American Bible catholic version? is it ok?

i cant find the RSV-CE in my local bookstore and even in catholic bookstore
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