Bible study - How?

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How do I study the bible? I’ve never really done it before. I don’t know how to get started, what to use?
Hi dizzy_dave,
the study bible I started out with recently is the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible by Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch. It has lots of commentary, notes, references to the CCC, and study questions.
Currently they have the 4 Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, and the Letters to the Romans. They are all separate books. The Letters to the Corinthians should be coming out soon.
I also like the series ‘Beginning Apologetics’, which you can order at Catholic Answers. Hope this helps.
You may want to try this on the Catholic Exchange site:
Catholic Scripture Study

Here’s another one that’s really good too:
Catholic Home Study Service
Two EXCELLENT suggestions! I’ve used both and highly recommend them!!!
If you have a Catholic Bible, it should have an introduction to each book of the Bible as well as Bible notes and commentary for specific verses and cross-references to related verses. Use these to aid your Bible study.
  1. Begin each study session with prayer. Pray to the Holy Spirit, the primary author of Sacred Scripture, for understanding, such as: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love. Amen.
  2. Select a particular book for study. I suggest you begin with the Gospel according to Mark.
  3. Read the book straight through for a general understanding of what the book is about.
  4. Read the introduction to the book.
  5. Re-read the book for greater understanding one section (one chapter or less) at a time, reading the Bible notes and commentry and cross-references for each verse.
  6. After studying each section for understanding, ask yourself some questions, such as: What does this section say about God? What does this section say about Mankind and their relationship with God? How do I apply this section to my life?
If you do not have a Catholic Bible with study helps, one is available online at website of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (

A note of caution concerning the introductions and Bible study helps at the above website and about such Bible study helps in general: Even though they are found on the offical website of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Biships, it is important to remember that the introductions and Bible study helps are neither inspired nor inerrant. It is important that you understand that they merely represent the opinion of some but not all Catholic Bible scholars. In particular, the introductions and Bible study helps at the above website often present non-traditional theories as though they are established fact so don’t put too much faith in them. Although these opinions are permitted, they are not the only opinions Catholics are permitted to have. So, it would be wise to consult other approved Catholic commmentaries as well, such as those found in the Navarre Bible series and in the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible series.
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