Bible study, witnessing and testimonials

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Is there a place for folks to share what God is actually doing for them in the RCC? (sharing of His work in our personal lives)

Are we to talk about what He’s doing? And if so, when and where?

David sings of His praises in the Psalms, and there’s clearly transformation of lives happening in the early church documented in the New Testament. Lives were being changed daily. People were being healed. Folks were changed from murderers to disciples and they were all talking about it.

People who heard of the works of Christ, in the Gospels, they RAN to Him so they could just touch His garments. There were exciting things going on, and they were fellowshiping, praising God and praying together in their free time, and enjoying it!

Can I share my joy in the Catholic church, and if so, in what setting?

Thanks in advance for your (name removed by moderator)ut on this.
There is a Spirituality Forum on CAF… I will move this thread there- and I’m sure you will get lots of discussion…

There’s a wealth of spiritualities and devotions in the Catholic Church, as well as solid teaching by the Saints. Catholics are excited, but since the Church embraces everyone, from those who only attend Mass at Christmas and Easter (or worse) to those deeply in love with the Lord and on fire for him. So, it can be harder to see the good things going on at our local parishes since not everyone we see there has the same level of commitment.

Many Evangelical/Fundamentalist/Pentecostal churches expect people to appear to be filled with faith and bright with joy. Not that to be filled with faith and bright with joy ought to be discouraged, but to expect everyone to always exhibit these traits does tempt people to pretend to have what they don’t, and places the attention on external signs of personal devotion rather than on developing depth of love for God and neighbor. 😉
Any time and any place can be appropriate if you’re living your faith! Our actions and our choices are the greatest testimonials there are, and we have to take advantage of that because there’s a lot of bad that can overpowers the amazing good. Sharing your faith with your family and close friends helps it grow and flourish, challenging your faith with those around you strengths it, and living it everyday keeps it alive and on fire!
Is there a place for folks to share what God is actually doing for them in the RCC? (sharing of His work in our personal lives)

Are we to talk about what He’s doing? And if so, when and where?

David sings of His praises in the Psalms, and there’s clearly transformation of lives happening in the early church documented in the New Testament. Lives were being changed daily. People were being healed. Folks were changed from murderers to disciples and they were all talking about it.

People who heard of the works of Christ, in the Gospels, they RAN to Him so they could just touch His garments. There were exciting things going on, and they were fellowshiping, praising God and praying together in their free time, and enjoying it!

Can I share my joy in the Catholic church, and if so, in what setting?

Thanks in advance for your (name removed by moderator)ut on this.
Anytime like-minded faith-filled people get together it is a good occasion to share their faith. This happens at a Rosary prayer group I have at my home every Monday afternoon.

It also happens and is encouraged at Life in the Spirit Seminars given by those in the Catholic charismatic renewal.

And, it can happen over a cup of coffee with a dear friend who puts Jesus first and is trying to follow Him more perfectly.
Anytime like-minded faith-filled people get together it is a good occasion to share their faith. This happens at a Rosary prayer group I have at my home every Monday afternoon.

It also happens and is encouraged at Life in the Spirit Seminars given by those in the Catholic charismatic renewal.

And, it can happen over a cup of coffee with a dear friend who puts Jesus first and is trying to follow Him more perfectly.
Hi Dorothy,
I am familiar with the Life in the Spirit seminars, and the Catholic charismatic movement. My parents were involved in these. I am glad the Spirit is present in the Catholic church. … and even as much, over that cup of coffee!!! 🙂

How does the average parishoner come to get involved in these programs? Are they readily available, or strongly encouraged by most Parishes?

God bless you!
Hi Dorothy,
I am familiar with the Life in the Spirit seminars, and the Catholic charismatic movement. My parents were involved in these. I am glad the Spirit is present in the Catholic church. … and even as much, over that cup of coffee!!! 🙂

How does the average parishoner come to get involved in these programs? Are they readily available, or strongly encouraged by most Parishes?

God bless you!
Hi Doreen,

In my area there are several Catholic parishes that have a vital charismatic prayer group community that is supported by the parish priests. They put notices in their bulletins and also hand out flyers to those of other parishes when they plan to put on a Life in the Spirit Seminar.

At-home Rosary groups can be started by anyone. I invited a few ladies over to pray the Scriptural Rosary, plus some additional prayers, and they have been coming, and at times brought friends, every Monday for the past seven years. When people pray together it is the perfect climate to be able to take part in faith-sharing, and encouraging one another.


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