Not in the sense adherents of the “Left Behind” type of theology would have it. The Church,
in general, does not accept a futurist view of biblical prophecy and studiously avoids tying specific passages of Scripture to current events. The current State of Israel, for example, even in the eyes of devout Jews is not seen as a re-establishment of the biblical Israel. The modern state was founded as and remains an officially secular state, more ethnic than religious. The reason the “Left Behind” adherents place so much emphasis on Israel is 1) they think it’s establishment is ushering in the “Last Days,” and 2) they do not accept the Church as the fulfillment of Israel, which is what the Church has always taught. They believe the “Church” is invisible, and the Catholic Church is a fraud. Here is an excerpt from an article by Carl Olsen that speaks to this:
As for what the Church teaches about Israel, another excerpt:
To see the whole article, go to:
Are We Living in the Last Days?
Or visit Carl’s website for numerous other articles on the same subject at